“He is, sort of. Just not the kind who needs to know everything. And Dad, please let him take care of you. Look, I have to go now. Don’t worry, Lena and I will call you. You’ll get news soon. Take care, okay?”
I hang up after hearing my dad say, “Don’t forget Daddy loves you, okay?” I don’t answer back. I can’t, not without choking up.
“Lena, this is bad. They must be on to us if they’re going after Dad. I need to get to Gabriel immediately and tell him what’s happening. He’ll be furious that I left, but Dad’s safety is more important. We need a plan, and we need it fast.” My voice cracks. What kind of game is this? Who’s the enemy here? I’m closing in, the pressure’s on, and someone’s desperate. Are they coming after Lena, too?
Lena squeezes me tight, and I hug her back and whisper, “Take care, okay? Be careful.”
“I’m used to stirring shit up, don’t worry. I’ve done it so many times with my work. Nobody messes with journalists. We’re fearless,” she smiles reassuringly.
A weak smile tugs at my lips. I wish I could be like her, but I have Dad to consider. I didn’t think I was putting him at risk when I started digging.
“What the heck did we do recently to escalate the threat? Did Lucas catch on?” I say, looking into Lena’s eyes.
“I sent an email yesterday asking for access to the port area, claiming it’s for documentation on a story I’m doing on luxury goods. That must be it,” Lena says.
“Okay, so it has to do with the port. That’s where we need to start. I’m off to meet the ogre now. I’ll call you soon. Take care.”
“That ogre is your best chance right now, Lexi. Think about it.”
“Lexi, please answer me if you’re here,” Gabriel calls out. How the hell did he find me?
I see Gabriel coming our way with a frown and a death stare. Before I can react, his angry voice booms, “You vanished, after I specifically asked you to listen to me. Can I really not trust you?”
He then turns to Lena. “Hi. Lena, right? The partner in crime?”
I shoot Lena a pointed glance, a silent message flashing in my eyes: I told you Gabriel knows more than he lets on.
“What partner?” Lena stammers.
“Don’t encourage her to sneak out. You’re both putting yourselves in danger. Just like last night. Why doesn’t anyone listen to me?” He stands a few feet away, gesturing nervously and pointing at me.
“Oh, come on, we’re in a secure access building. You’re overreacting. I had to talk to Lena. How did you find me?”
“You called the security guards to let Lena in. I’ve been searching for you on every damn floor.”
Tough luck. So, he got a little tired, trying to find me. That should show him he can’t boss me around. But I won’t say that. No way. The last thing I want is to piss him off and give him even more ideas. Shit. If I refuse his help, Peter’s going to get suspicious. If I let Gabriel control me, I won’t be able to do what I set out to do, and I’ll run out of time. I only have a month to find the car and put the culprit behind bars before the statute of limitations runs out. A month of Gabriel breathing down my neck.
“Before you get mad, you need to know something.” He listens closely, raising an eyebrow in surprise, then turns around and points to a man standing behind him.
“Before you get mad, you need to meet someone from my team. This is Mike. He’ll stay with you until I get back. I wanted to introduce you before I leave.”
I notice a tall, buff guy in jeans and a leather jacket, his hair cut short. He could carry me up the stairs in one arm if he wanted to.
“Is this show of force really necessary?” I grumble, swallowing nervously as I see Gabriel’s lips curl into a satisfied smirk.
“It’s exactly what’s needed. It’s a message. So that no one dares to send you any more letters or lay a finger on you.”
I roll my eyes, but he’s right. We need the show off. “Gabriel?” I swallow hard, trying to steady my voice. “They got to Dad. He received a letter, too.”
“Damn it, Lexi. You should’ve started with that. Mike, take her inside.” Not bothering to wait for confirmation, he whips out his phone and dials a number.
“Hi, Dean. Before you get to Lexi’s dad, send some guys from one of our secure locations nearby. Have someone there in ten minutes.” He finishes the call and points to the elevator. He’s mad, but he tries hard not to show it.
I turn to Lena, hug her, and whisper, “This will be harder than I thought. Don’t forget to pack that burner phone for me. Stuff it in my underwear so they won’t find it if they check my luggage. I’ll call you. Keep your phone close, please. I’ll need you.”