“It’s fine.”
It’s not. I offended him. He heads for the door, each heavy step sounding like an accusation.
“I’ll leave now. We got enough from this first meeting, and you have a lot to reflect on,” he says, his jaw clenched.
“Gabriel…” He already has his hand on the door. “Thank you for this. I mean it.” If things were different, and I didn’t need to pursue my plan with the Maiers, I wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. He’s professional, sure, but there’s something about his patience and self-confidence that’s really appealing.
“Just doing my job.” As he’s about to walk out, he turns around. “One last thing. I’ll send you the address of an auto repair shop. Tell Lena to go there and get her car fixed. Oh, and she shouldn’t worry about the expenses.”
He might actually be okay. Not as obnoxious as I first thought. But now’s not the time to drop your guard, Lexi.
“That’s great. Thanks again. She’s lost without her car. Her job needs her to be out a lot, you know.”
Before I attempt a proper apology, my phone starts buzzing with WhatsApp messages. Gabriel throws me a pointed look, expecting me to fill him in. So much for privacy. I stare back at the screen, hoping that’ll send him on his way. No such luck. He remains rooted by the door, his eyes fixated on me.
It’s Lena, sending me screenshots, videos, and links to social media accounts.
“Oh, no,” I gasp, my jaw dropping.
Gabriel grabs the phone from me. “More threats? How do they have your number?”
“It’s Lena. She says you and I are all over social media because of what happened last night.”
I look at him, shocked, and press play on a video I received. We both watch it, our heads nearly bumping. Someone filmed the moment he swept me off the stage in his arms and whisked me away. The caption reads, “Caught in a love triangle! Two famous bachelors duke it out for the attention of a mysterious woman. Looks like Gabriel Ross swoops in and steals the spotlight, leaving Lucas Maier in the dust! #LoveTriangleDrama #BachelorBrawl.”
That’s it, I guess. Everyone thinks we’re officially a couple now.
“Don’t go anywhere until I come and get you.” That’s the last thing Gabriel said to me in the meeting room before he went off to talk to Peter. The social media video of us together got a zero reaction from him—except for a muffled growl. I have no clue what he thinks of our conversation, but if I were him, I wouldn’t call it a success.
Living with Gabriel is the last thing I wanted, but now that I am, I need to come up with a plan to keep him out of my affairs.
First things first, though. I have to warn Lena about what’s happening. My fingers fumble for my phone in my purse. One ring, and she picks up.
“Where are you?”
“I’m out. Do you need anything? How did it go with Lucas today?” Lena asks.
“I didn’t see Lucas. He didn’t come to the office. But my new friend from last night, Gabriel, came by.”
“Aw, tell me more. The hot guy?”
“What? No. More likely, the insufferable know-it-all. Look, I’ll explain everything, but you need to meet me. How soon can you get here?”
“Now you’re getting me worried. I’m not that far. Maybe ten minutes. Where exactly should I come?”
“Head straight to the underground parking at my office building. I’ll tip security to let you in as a visitor. Just flash them a friendly smile, and please don’t mention you’re a journalist. Take the elevator down to minus three. Please don’t call. I’ll leave my phone in the office. I’ll come find you there.”
“Are you serious? What’s going on?”
“Come on, Lena, I don’t have time.”
“Fine, I’m on my way. I’ll see you in a bit.”
I drop my phone back in my purse on the table. Maybe it’s paranoia, but I can’t shake the feeling Gabriel has me under constant surveillance.