Page 23 of Untamed Protector

“You can start by telling me about your life, where you usually hang out, the people you’re close to. Anything that can help me keep you safe.”

I snatch my hand and get back to my chair, scraping to put some distance between us. This isn’t the time for hand-holding, not when I have to unload my entire history on Gabriel. I plan to keep it to a bare minimum—one slip, and he would see right through me.

“Why don’t you ask me instead so I won’t get lost in the details?” Or say too much.

“Well, I’ll start with the obvious. How do you stay so calm with all these threats flying around? Do you know something Peter doesn’t? You can trust me; it’ll stay between us.”

That’s exactly what I won’t do—tell Gabriel something that Peter doesn’t already know. But there’s something else about me that Gabriel should know.

“If you’d had the life I had, you wouldn’t be afraid either. At least not of some creepy flyers that try to look like threat letters. They’re just like the ones I used to get in school.”

I wait for him to contradict me, but he remains unfazed. He’s probably seen a lot in his life as an ex-Navy.

“What school did you go to get such threats?”

“It was a normal school. I was the weird one. But I don’t want to relive those memories. It’s not like I’ve forgotten them, but it’s not the life I want for myself.”

“What happened back then?”

“Stupid kids’ stuff. Bullying. Not relevant today.”

“Everything is relevant, Lexi.”

It would be safer to prod him into talking and keep the focus off me. But I can’t deny the curiosity that flares when I look at him. This man stirred something deep within me, awakened desires I thought were a distant memory. Focus. This isn’t the time, Lexi. A frustrated sigh escapes my lips. But when do things ever go my way?

“What about you? Why should I trust you? Who are you, Gabriel Ross?”

A practiced smile stretches across his face as he leans back in his chair, reciting what feels like a rehearsed speech. “Gabriel Ross, thirty-eight, ex-Navy. I own a security services company here in Tomis City,” he says, his words dancing around the question.

“Yeah, but why should I trust you?” I try again.

“Maybe because Peter said so. Do you trust Peter?” he backfires. Smart. He scores again. And that’s a good question. What the hell am I supposed to answer? Just keep it vague, Lexi.

“There are very few people I trust. Peter’s okay, but he’s still my employer and has his own interests to protect. In this specific situation, he’s on my side.”

“What other situation can there be between you?” Gabriel says, raising an eyebrow.

“None, I’m just saying. But anyway, let’s get to the point: how do you plan to keep me safe? What’s the next step here? Oh, by the way, I didn’t realize your company offered protection to private individuals. You know, like me.”

“Yeah, there are many things you don’t know. We protect anyone in need.”

“Who’s we?”

“Me and my team. In your case, we’ll start with the basics. We’ll monitor you 24/7, and we’ll investigate who’s behind all the threats you’ve been getting.”

“I see. And do you ask all your clients to move in with you? Is that routine to make it easier to protect them?” I know I’m being a jerk. But the way this Adonis talks about controlling my life with his constant surveillance grates on my nerves. The guy’s a ten—a walking Greek statue come to life. Every woman in the city would kill for an arm around him. Still, the idea of him tracking my every move makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

“No. Just you.” Huh, I didn’t expect him to be this blunt this soon.

“You’re special,” he adds. “It was a request from Peter.”

“You owe Peter that much?” I don’t know why I even ask. Maybe it’s because the question bugs him, and I can’t help myself. It would be good to know what really keeps him tied to Peter and how far he’d go to protect him.

“I’ll answer you one day. For right now, let’s focus on you. Okay?”

“What do you want to know about me?” I ask. If he says everything, I swear I’m packing and going to my dad’s.

“People close to you who might be in danger?”