Page 11 of Untamed Protector

I walk into the Grand Ballroom, away from the stage where Dominic is speaking. There’s a video loop on the big screen behind him with all the items and services the sponsors put up for auction. From what I remember, Lucas auctioned off something from his yacht. Peter usually donates money anonymously and sends his offspring just for PR. And tonight, Lucas is about to put on quite a show. “Dean,” I ask in my earpiece, “how much has Lucas had to drink?”

“Let me ask the other guys,” I hear Dean. Seconds later, he gets back. “At least four cocktails at the bar, if not more. And we don’t know if he had time to take any of the stuff that Dominic found on him. Anyway, it’s not looking good, boss.”

Yeah, I can tell that just by looking at him. I’m not going to let him embarrass Peter. But above all, I can’t allow him to pull any crap around Lexi. And just like that, even though I didn’t expect to when I met her earlier, she’s already become a project. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, pal. “It is a project,” I hear myself say out loud.

“We know, boss,” Dean replies. “You told us it’s a big project. We’re on it. Her mic is on. Do you want to hear?”

“Yes, please.”

The background noise is loud, but I hear Lucas in my earpiece. “What’s wrong with you? Do you have some weird fascination with bodyguards? I’ve been waiting for you like a fool for half an hour.”

“Lucas, you’re hurting me. Please let go of my hand,” I hear Lexi say.

“Shut up, princess. We’re going on stage now. It’ll all be over in minutes. Play nice, and you’ll be the star of the show. That’ll give you something to brag about to your dear Mr. Maier,” Lucas says, mocking her.

“Lucas, you’re being paranoid. I came with you because you invited me. We’re friends, you and I. What’s wrong with you? I’m not interested in anyone.”

Dominic was right. “Dean, bring two extra guys next to the stage. Lucas is going to make a scene. Be ready to escort him out discreetly. And keep an eye on Lexi. I don’t want that idiot laying a finger on her.”

Then I warn Dominic. “Dom, I hear Lucas wants to pull some crap on stage. If he tries anything, cut off his sound, okay?”

Dominic gives me a nod from across the crowd. I get closer to where Lexi and Lucas are. I try to stay out of sight so Lucas doesn’t freak out. Shit! If Lexi hadn’t shown up tonight, Lucas would’ve been on his way home by now.

I should’ve kicked him out earlier when we found him. Dominic could’ve filled in for Lucas to announce the donation on behalf of the Maiers. The event host usually covers for sponsors who don’t show up in person at these charity galas. But Lexi’s green eyes got me all tangled up, and I couldn’t bring myself to throw the idiot out. That would mean she’d have to leave, too. And I didn’t want her to go.

Next, Lucas’s yacht shows up on screen. He’s putting up three free cruises for auction. I’m just a few feet away when I see him dragging Lexi behind him and going up on stage. Dominic grabs his arm, stopping him. Lucas doesn’t put up a fight, but he doesn’t let go of her either. We quickly cross eyes, and she doesn’t seem scared.

Good. That’s my brave girl! And then I realize she’s not mine. Not yet, anyway. But things will change after tonight. I’ll have to get her to listen to me. Lucas doesn’t care about anyone or anything.

“My, my, why so tense? You look like a panther about to attack,” I hear Anita beside me. “I already told you that you’re wasting your time. There’s nothing to save here, handsome. You can’t take home every stray you find.” She puts both hands on my arm, pulling me toward her.

“Don’t mess with me, Anita,” I growl. “I don’t have time for your shit.”

“But you have time for that pretend damsel in distress? You’re all obsessed with her. She bats her lashes once, and you’re already rushing to help her. She’s fine, trust me. These are her fifteen minutes of fame. She’s never been on a stage in her whole pathetic life. Don’t take that away from her with your knight-in-shining-armor act.”

I break away from Anita’s arms and reach up the stage. Lucas sees me and flashes me a grin.

Dominic introduces the sponsors. “Alongside a very generous donation from the company run by Mr. Peter Maier, Lucas Maier is also giving away three weekend cruises on this luxurious yacht you see on the screen. The bidding starts at 20,000 per cruise. All proceeds will go to the hospital, and the three lucky winners will enjoy an entire weekend under the sun, with luxury service, food, and music, off the coast.”

A few people raise their bidding paddles. The first cruise sells for 35,000, and two more for 30,000.

Dominic wraps up the bidding for the cruises. “Our thanks to Lucas Maier. We’ve already raised 100,000. And… winners, have fun! Lucas and his beautiful companion will leave us now, and we move on to the next item. We have a surprise this time, so don’t worry if you haven’t bought anything yet. There’s still time!”

“Guys, take him,” I hear Dominic through my earpiece. He grabs Lucas’s arm and tries to get him off the stage. Lucas yanks himself away, walks to the edge of the stage, holding Lexi’s hand, and signals to the audience that he wants to say something. He doesn’t have a mic, but the people in the front rows can hear him well.

“There’s one more thing I want to auction off, folks. Now, don’t get any ideas,” he winks, circling Lexi with an exaggerated sweep of his arm. “This lovely lady here isn’t for sale, at least not in the way you’re thinking.” He leans in, his voice dropping to a low rumble. “But what she offers… well, that will surprise you.”

That’s it. I’m going to fucking kill him. But first, I need to get him out of the Casino.

“You know, my beautiful date here has a special talent. A skill that can be really useful. And people, a hundred grand wouldn’t even cover it,” he says, his eyes sweeping the room.

Lexi looks over at Dominic, her eyes pleading for help.

“Take him off the stage and crank up the music,” I shout. Dominic pulls Lucas to the back, where my team is on standby, waiting for him. I rush to the front of the stage, reach my hand out to Lexi, and pull her into my arms. Thinking fast, I scan for an escape route. Spotting a gap, I make a beeline to a less busy spot, weaving through the crowd with Lexi tucked safely in my arms as people yelp and step aside.

“Stop it. Put me down,” she whispers through her teeth. I let her touch the floor, then put my arm around her shoulders to guide her out of the ballroom. I can feel her shaking as we walk past Anita, who flashes us a triumphant grin.

The music keeps playing against the backdrop of shifting, uneasy guests. As I reach the door, I hear Dominic on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve hit a snag. There was a last-minute offer for auction, but we have strict rules and only allow bids on items and services approved by the organizing committee. We apologize and would like to thank Grain Inc. and Lucas Maier once more. And now, we have this amazing collection of street photography by a young up-and-coming artist. Have a look and get your bidding paddles ready…”