Page 82 of Reining in Never

Her smile widened, her eyes shining with a love that took my breath away. “Always,” she promised.

As we turned to join our friends, my arm wrapped securely around her waist, I felt the peace take root. The memories of my father, both good and bad, would always be a part of me, but they no longer held me captive.

Everybody piled into the bed of my truck, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Kinsley and I climbed into the front, grinning at each other as I turned the key. The engine roared to life, and I immediately cranked up the music, the bass thumping through the speakers. A chorus of whoops and hollers erupted from the back as the song blasted out, and we all started singing This Is How We Roll at the top of our lungs with Florida Georgia Line and Luke Bryan.

As I pulled out onto the main road, the wind whipped through the open windows. My friends’ voices were in a raucous chorus, and a grin spread across my face. This was living, pure and simple. No more dwelling on the past. I was ready to move forward.

Chapter 36

Where It Ends - Bailey Zimmerman


“You know you’re pulling on her mouth, right?” Finn’s accusation came after a practice run.

We had arrived at our next rodeo that morning, and if I wanted to win enough points this year, I needed to practise more and keep Cher in top shape. I’d asked Finn to help since he had the most horse training experience.

“Ugh, I know. I’m sorry, baby girl,” I apologised, leaning down to hug Cher’s neck.

“That’s not like you.” Finn’s observation hit home.

My horse’s welfare had always been my primary concern, but my desperation for better race times was clouding my judgement.

“I’ll try harder,” I promised.

“No. That’s the problem; you’re trying too hard. Relax a bit, trust her to do her job, and stop trying to force it. She can feel all your tension,” he advised.

I exhaled, acknowledging the truth in his words. My competitiveness was getting the best of me, and Cherokee was suffering for it.

“Call it quits for today. Start fresh tomorrow.”

“Fine.” I dismounted and gave Cher a reassuring pat.

Finn walked us back to the barn, but my mind was still on the ride and how to get more speed out of my horse. Doubts gnawed at my confidence, whispering insidious suggestions of failure.

“Get out of your head, Kinsley.”

“I can’t help it. I want this so bad. Do you think Cher can compete at this level?”

“Yeah, of course.” His assurance was swift, but his eyes darted away, betraying his words.

My stomach dropped. “You’re lying.”

“She’s a great horse, a pro. You couldn’t ask for a more consistent horse.”

“Just a faster one.”

“She might pull it off.” Finn’s tone lacked conviction.

“I’m not going to take Gambler back if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“That’s not—"

“I can see it all over your face. It’s a miracle we got Wyatt to ride him. I will not mess that up—”

We’d reached Cher’s stall, where Wyatt was busy tossing hay, his expression a fury of anger as he glared at us. He’d clearly overheard everything.

“The two of you just thought you would team up to solve all my problems?” Wyatt said bitterly.