“You’re right.” I kissed her again.
“Would you two stop that? You’re embarrassing me,” Finn said as the three of us started leading the horses back to the barn.
Kinsley was all over Gambler, peppering that damn ornery horse with kisses and baby talk.
“Get over it,” I told him.
“Must be nice to have your rich girlfriend buy you a new horse.”
Those mocking words cut deep, causing every muscle in my body to seize up. I wheeled around to find that prick, Travis, leaning against the barn door, a couple of his clowns flanking him with matching shit-eating grins.
Kinsley’s small hand slid into mine, giving a reassuring squeeze, but I was already losing my grip, the haze of anger clouding my vision.
“It’s a borrowed horse ridden by a skilled cowboy,” Finn shot back. “We can’t help that we’re better than you.”
“You guys weren’t that great a few weeks ago.”
“Horse was slowing down; it happens to the best of them.”
I didn’t want to let Finn do all the talking. I wanted to say something, defend myself, but I couldn’t form any words. It wasn’t the horse. I’d been doing this my whole life. Kinsley hadn’t bought him for me; I was doing her a favour by riding him while she recovered.
But she has recovered, I reminded myself. Should I be telling her to ride him again? If she wanted him back, she’d tell me, right?
“Is her daddy paying all your bills too?”
“Oh, shut up, Travis,” Kinsley barked. “C’mon, Wyatt.” She tugged at my arm.
I hadn’t realised I’d stopped moving.
“Wyatt.” She was looking at me, her brow furrowed.
Behind her, Travis was smirking at me like a smug SOB.
“How deep are those Jackson Ranch pockets, Collins?”
I couldn’t pinpoint the moment I decided to punch Travis, but my knuckles burned when they hit his jaw. He was blindsided and hit the ground with a hard thud.
“Shit,” I heard Finn breathe.
Travis’s friends were already on me as if eager to be let loose. I ducked as a fist flew towards my face, but the other guy had come around behind me and stopped me from falling, only so his friend’s next blow landed hard in my gut.
“Finally, Collins. I’ve been waiting to kick your ass.” Travis rose from the dirt, rubbing his thumb and forefinger over his chin and flexing his jaw.
Then it was on.
Kinsley shrieked as we brawled. Finn’s voice was letting out a slew of curses as he fought. It was three against two. At least until Kinsley decided she’d had enough and leapt onto Travis’s back with her arm circling his throat in a chokehold.
“Kinsley! Get out of here!” I barked.
“Punch him!”
I pummelled him in the stomach, and he curled over, Kinsley going down with him, so I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her off him. She was swinging her arms and legs wildly, trying to get at Travis and deliver her own beating, but I held tight and avoided flying limbs.
A small crowd had gathered, and Grady and Rhett burst through at a run.