“See, I think she does like me, but she’s in denial.”
“I’m not sure the denial lies on her side.”
I was a bit surprised at Grady’s persistence. I didn’t think he and Abby had that much in common. I didn’t know Abby all that well; she and Kinsley weren’t close, and she rarely came out to rodeos.
“I don’t see you two together. You’re a bull rider; she does dressage.”
“That’s the word! She mentioned it, but I couldn’t remember. Dressage.” He mulled over the word. “What is it?”
“Uh…” I scratched the back of my head. “It’s like horse dancing or something.”
“Google it.”
He whipped out his phone and started watching YouTube videos. “What the fuck?” he exclaimed after a moment.
“I know.”
“This is a sport?”
“I don’t get it.”
“Like I said, you two are very different.”
“Oh, look at this one go! He’s dancing to the music!” He tilted the phone so I could see, but I only glanced down briefly.
“What are you guys watching?” Finn said as he and Rhett came over and sat down beside us.
“Grady has a hard-on for Abby Jackson, so he’s learning about dressage,” I explained.
“Oh gawd.” Finn shook his head. “Good luck with that.”
Kinsley’s turn came up, and she held Cher outside the arena. Suddenly, Cher leaped from her mark and raced towards the first barrel. I held my breath, but they took the turn beautifully, and the next two as well.
“There you go. She survived,” Finn said.
I stood up, swatting his hat off his head as I walked by them. Jogging down the bleacher steps, I made my way over to Kinsley. She was standing beside Cher, talking to a couple of cowboys I didn’t recognize, which only made me quicken my pace.
“Hey, you,” she greeted when she saw me.
I brushed by the cowboys without a care that I was interrupting and took my place at her side.
“Well, good run, Kinsley,” one of them said, and they both waved and retreated.
“You scared them away.” She turned and smiled up at me.
“They’ll get over it.”
“Who wouldn’t be?”
“Good answer. Ready to win again today?”
I nodded and gazed down at her, drinking in her face. “How do you want to celebrate tonight?”