“Do what?”
“You own horses. Your whole life is horses, but you still get excited like a little kid when you see them.”
“Every horse is worth getting excited over.”
“Isn’t that the truth.”
He took my hand across the seat, and we drove back to the rodeo grounds, enjoying the view of green fields and distant mountains blurring along beside us.
Chapter 22
I’ll Be Your Small Town - Cole Swindell
“So, you guys went on a date?” Grady asked.
We were sitting in the empty bleachers overlooking an outdoor sand ring, watching the barrel racing practice. Kinsley had Cherokee out and was warming her up at a nice, easy trot around the perimeter.
“Yeah, I guess. It wasn’t planned or anything,” I replied.
“Are you guys back together?”
The sun beat down on my neck as I leaned forward, my elbows resting on my knees. I couldn’t take my eyes off Kinsley as she guided Cherokee around the barrels, a small, fierce smile playing across her lips.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled more to myself than to Grady.
It had been so easy, so natural, to fall back into our old rhythm. The way she’d laughed at my jokes, the way her hand had fit perfectly in mine as we’d walked down the street. It was like no time had passed at all.
But that was the problem, wasn’t it? Time had passed, and things had changed. We had changed. Hadn’t we?
I rubbed my jaw, feeling the stubble that had grown in over the past few days. I had probably given Kinsley the impression that we were back together. The way I had looked at her, held her close in the dark theatre... Since her accident, we just sort of started falling back into a relationship. But I honestly didn’t know if I meant it. I thought I did. I hoped I did. But doubt still played around in the back of my mind, and I didn’t know if I was ready to dive back into that particular rodeo.
And yet, I couldn’t deny the way my heart had skipped a beat when she smiled at me over that burger. The way my skin had tingled when her fingers would trail over my arm. It was good to be with her again, to feel that connection that had always been there between us.
Kinsley guided Cherokee to a stop, patted the horse’s neck, and whispered something in her ear. She looked up then, her blue eyes finding mine across the distance.
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt that tug in my chest, that longing for something I wasn’t sure I could have.
“But you’re on good terms, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Would you happen to have her sister’s phone number?”
Grady’s question caught me off guard.
“Really? Abby?” I turned to him in disbelief.
“I liked her.”
“Then why didn’t you ask her for her number?”
“I did. She said no.”
I couldn’t help but laugh because he looked so perplexed.
“Well, you have your answer. She doesn’t like you and giving you her number would cross a line or something.”