Page 46 of Reining in Never

A whoop escaped my lips.

Wyatt glanced over, his face split by a grin that reached all the way to the crinkles around his eyes. In that moment, he was lighter, happier. Free.

“Holy shit!” Finn hollered. He patted his horse, Ghost, on the neck.

Wyatt rode over to me. “Did you know he could do that?” He leaned back in his saddle and ran his hand over Gambler’s hindquarters.

I shrugged. “I guess he likes cows. Go again.”

They ran it a few more times, each as flawless as the last. Gambler was a completely different horse, calm and responsive to Wyatt’s cues. It was like the steer grounded him and gave him purpose beyond running in circles.

I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that twisted in my gut. My horse went better for Wyatt than he ever had for me. All those dreams of championships, of making my family proud, slipped further away with every perfect run Wyatt did.

But then Wyatt caught my eye, that smile still playing on his lips, and maybe—just maybe—it would be worth it.

“Alright, Cher, it’s you and me again. I’m sorry I was being so stupid and let a handsome boy come between us. Girl power all the way.” I patted her.

Cher turned her head and touched her nose to my foot, signaling her forgiveness. She probably even appreciated the break, knowing I would come back to my senses eventually.

“Now, to convince Wyatt of this plan…”

That might not be so easy. Sure, we had convinced Wyatt to mess around and try Gambler, but now we had to persuade him to rodeo with the horse, and Wyatt was stubborn.

They rode out of the arena, breathless and smiling.

“Wow,” I said. “Impressive. It’s like you guys have done that before.”

“I know, right?” Finn replied, laying it on a little too thick. “It’d sure be nice to have a partner again for the team roping event next weekend.” He looked directly at me as he said it.

I feigned surprise and pretended to consider it.

“Finn, no—" Wyatt began.

I interrupted. “Sure, why not?”

Wyatt, taken aback, turned to me. “Kins, he’s your horse.”

“I’m not riding him right now. Besides, after seeing that, I’m not sure I have him on the right career path.”

Those words were harder to get out than I’d thought they would be. It was obvious Gambler was a cattle horse but handing him over to Wyatt was like giving up a part of me.

I swallowed hard, forcing a smile onto my face as Wyatt’s brow furrowed.

“Are you sure about this, Kins?” His eyes searched mine, always able to see right through my bravado.

“Of course,” I lied, praying he wouldn’t call my bluff. “I’m not riding him right now. He should be kept busy, and he obviously enjoys this.”

Wyatt studied me for a long moment before nodding slowly. “Alright, if that’s what you want.” He reached over, his calloused fingers brushing my cheek in the softest of caresses. “Thank you.”

My heart fluttered at his touch, warmth spreading through me. This was worth it, I told myself. Seeing that look of pure joy on Wyatt’s face as he rode Gambler was all I could ask for after the heartache we’d been through.

Finn cleared his throat, breaking the moment. “Well, I’m going to go get our entry in.” He swung off Ghost and headed towards the registration booth.

Wyatt turned Gambler to follow but paused, glancing back at me over his shoulder. “You coming?”

I shook my head. “I’ll catch up in a bit. I want some more time with this girl.” I patted Cher’s neck, her coat’s familiar scent calming me.

Wyatt’s expression softened. “Don’t be too long.” With that, he nudged Gambler forward, falling into step beside Finn.