My mom threw her hands up in surrender and pouted.
I leaned back on my pillows, satisfied. And queasy again.
“Hey! Can we get in on this party?” Grady entered the room, holding flowers, followed by Finn, Rhett, and Maisey, all with gifts of some sort. They couldn’t have had better timing.
“Hey!” I smiled and hugged each of them.
I introduced Grady and Rhett to my parents and Abby, who still hadn’t said a word. Big surprise. They already knew Finn and Maisey.
It might have been my imagination, but I swear Grady did a double-take at Abby, which I found amusing because my uptight sister would never go for a guy like that in a million years. I thought an accountant or something would be more her type.
“How are you?” Maisey hugged me.
“Oh, so much better,” I assured her. “How’s Gambler?”
“Spoiled and pampered, and munching away in his stall.” Finn winked at me. “We’ll take care of him for as long as you need.”
“I’ll walk him tomorrow,” Maisey added.
“Thanks,” I said, “but no need. Wyatt is going to be riding him for a while.”
Some brows were raised at that, but it was Finn I was looking at.
“Really?” Finn said curiously.
“Yep. Just till I’m better.”
Finn studied my face, the wheels turning in his head. I gave him the whisper of a smirk so no one else saw, and when a smile spread over his face, I knew he understood. He nodded slowly.
Yep, I’m a genius.
Chapter 15
Horsepower - Chris LeDoux
Isat on the dirt floor of the barn aisle across from Gambler’s stall. The Demon Horse.
He was ignoring me, focused on his hay. Despite his reputation, I couldn’t deny that he was a beautiful horse, athletically built, and a part of me was excited to ride him. However, a knot of apprehension twisted in my stomach at the thought.
“Did he already throw you?” Finn’s voice echoed down the aisle as he approached.
“No, we’re bonding. Can’t you tell?” I picked up a piece of hay and twiddled it between my fingers.
“Is that what you call this? Looks more like you’re avoiding getting on him.” Finn slid down to the ground beside me. “Not nervous, are you?” he teased.
I laughed. “No, not nervous. Just something. I don’t know what.”
“Could it be it’s been forever since you’ve ridden a horse besides Drifter, and with him retiring, it’s making you think about a future with another horse? And that maybe scares you a little?” Finn suggested.
I turned to look at him, one eyebrow raised. “Are you for real right now? When did you become a shrink?”
Finn shrugged. “Just a thought I had.”
“This isn’t my new horse. I’m just exercising him for Kins,” I clarified.
“Ah, yes, there’s that too. The ex-girlfriend you vowed to stay away from, yet you’re still drawn to, and the horse that is forcing you together to face your feelings...”