Kinsley chatted with Rhett and Maisey. I was captivated as her hands moved animatedly, accentuating her words with vibrant gestures. The firelight cast a warm glow on her face, making her eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky.
I strained my ears, desperate to catch a snippet of what she was saying, to know what was making her light up like a Christmas tree. I remembered when I used to be the reason for that radiant smile, the cause of that infectious laughter. I longed for those moments and craved her undivided attention on me. It was like basking in the sun after a long, cold winter.
Kinsley leaned closer to Maisey, her grin turning mischievous. Maisey’s cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and she ducked her head, trying to hide her smile. I chuckled to myself, realizing that Kinsley was probably talking up Maisey to Rhett. Kinsley had a heart of gold.
As if sensing my gaze, Kinsley’s gaze flickered in my direction. Our stares locked, and for a moment, the world faded away. The corners of my lips twitched upwards in a small smile, and she mirrored it with a dazzling grin of her own. Kinsley did nothing halfway; her smile was as bright as a supernova, threatening to blind me with its intensity.
In that instant, a wave of desire crashed over me, stealing the breath from my lungs. I wanted her, needed her like a drowning man needed air. My fingers itched to tangle in her golden hair, to pull her close and never let go.
“Hey, Kinsley! Speak up! We’re getting bored over here!” Finn called out over the fire, pulling me out of my daydream.
“Well, that’s what you get for being boring!” Kinsley retorted.
Finn faked offense. “I’m not boring.”
“Oh, really?” Kinsley asked.
“Is there a reason we’re sitting so close to the fire when it’s this hot out?” Maisey questioned—a valid point, given the hot, sticky night, unusual for spring.
“Go jump in the creek,” Finn dared.
“After you, Mr. Not Boring.” Kinsley’s eyes twinkled as she stared down Finn over the flames, bringing him back to life with a challenge.
“There’s a creek?” Maisey inquired, sounding interested.
“Back through the trees there.” Rhett gestured behind him.
“Well, Finn?” Kinsley raised an eyebrow.
“Let’s go.” Finn stood up, grinning.
I dropped my head into my hands.
“Swimming?” Grady clapped his hands together. “I’m in.” He grabbed Abby’s hand and pulled her to her feet.
“No, no, no,” Abby protested, shaking her head and digging her heels in. “I’m not swimming.”
Everybody got up, and we made our way through the trees to a wide, still creek. There were large, smooth rocks beside it.
Kinsley sat down, put her feet in the water, and moaned. “Oh my gawd, that feels good.” She kicked her legs, sending up a splash. The cool drops landed on my face, offering a brief respite from the heat.
“Grady,” Finn called out. “Race you in.”
After a brief pause, both guys stripped down to their boxers, ran to the edge, and jumped into the water, creating a big enough splash to make the girls shriek.
“Who won?” Finn asked when his head broke the surface.
“Me,” Grady declared, slicking his wet hair out of his face.
“It looked like a tie to me,” Maisey commented. She was sitting beside Kinsley, dangling her feet in the water.
“Unacceptable. To the other side and back,” Finn challenged him, and they were off, kicking hard to splash the girls.
“Well, we’re already wet.” Kinsley peeled her shirt off and then stood up to wiggle out of her cutoffs.
The other guys looked away, but I couldn’t. My eyes took in every inch of her smooth, bare skin, and a surge of heat swelled inside me.
Kinsley looked back at me, catching me staring, but still, I didn’t look away. I couldn’t. I devoured her with my eyes. God, she was so beautiful it hurt.