The two of us ate up the dance floor. Maisey hardly glanced at Rhett; she was having so much fun.
The alcohol was well into my system, and I felt good. I wanted to stay in this country music induced trance where the rest of the world fell away, but it wasn’t the world that fell away. It was me that got knocked on my ass, my balance seeming to have … disappeared.
What the hell?
A hand reached out to me, and I grabbed it, allowing it to pull me back to my feet. Oh, my arms felt heavy—or my head did? Something was heavy. The floor wasn’t that bad. Maybe I should sit back down.
I tried to sink to the floor, but muscular arms circled my waist. I ran my hands up someone’s biceps; I liked them a lot, these arms. They held me tight, and I decided I wanted to keep them.
My body relaxed and swayed, but my head was still heavy, so I rested it on a solid chest. Oh, that was so good too. It was warm and smelled like pine and horse—probably my favourite smell ever—and I breathed it in, closing my eyes.
“Mmm,” I said. “This is wonderful. So much better than the floor. Can I stay here?”
“Kinsley,” an exasperated but familiar voice said.
I looked up into Wyatt’s deep brown eyes. He was looking down at me with an annoyed expression, but there was something else there too. Longing? Well, I should hope that’s what it was.
“Kinsley,” he said again.
“Shh. You’re ruining it.” I put my head back on his chest. Reaching up with my right hand, I put my fingers through the hair on the back of his head and rubbed a lock between my thumb and finger. I thought I heard him sigh over the beating of his heart before he rested his cheek on the top of my head.
Together, we swayed, and that was when the world fell away. I couldn’t even hear the music anymore. I didn’t know how long we stayed like that. Maybe I was even sleeping.
“Hey, Kins.” Maisey’s hand was on my shoulder. “Time to go.”
“Nuh-uh,” I mumbled, burying my face in Wyatt’s chest.
“The bar is closing.”
I lifted my head and looked around. The place was emptying.
“You girls have a ride?” Wyatt asked her while still keeping me on my feet.
“Umm, Reed. But where did he go?” She searched the room.
I wanted to go back to sleep.
“Let’s go.” Wyatt scooped me up into his arms.
Oh, this was nice. I could get used to this.
He carried me out to the parking lot.
“I think this is my new preferred method of transportation,” I slurred.
Wyatt grunted in response. He put me in the front seat of his truck. Maisey got in the back with Finn. Grady and Rhett were across the parking lot, talking to a couple of girls.
“Aww, Mais, we should’ve asked Rhett to come with us! I’m such a bad wing … something.” I whined.
“Kinsley, shut up,” Maisey said tightly.
Finn, beside her, hid his smirk under his hand.
“Oh, oops.” I covered my mouth. “My bad.”
Wyatt started the truck, and we drove out of the parking lot in silence.
I woke up to Wyatt unbuckling my seat belt. I blinked. We were in front of my trailer.