I nodded. “He had martial arts training. Cody knew what he was doing too. He was trying to protect me, to keep Gil away.”
“Cody broke his hand.”
“There’s a report from the hospital because of the incident and another filed with the West Dremest PD. Gil was arrested, but he didn’t stay locked up for long.” It happened every time. Gil always got out.
“No, he didn’t.”
“Do you still fear for your life?”
I swallowed, trying to choke back the emotion that flowed freely through my body. Every time I cried; it was like I gave more power to Gil. “Not like I used to.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I have friends and partners who care about me. Who will be there if I need them. I have a home with Jordan and Hartley, where there are guards who keep me safe.”
She tapped her phone screen a couple of times, then folded her hands on the table. “I’m done recording. Now I’m going to ask you a few more questions. These are for me to know the answer to, but I won’t be surprised if the police ask the same ones. Did you tell Jordan about Gil?”
“He knows.”
“Did you tell him to harm your ex?”
“No. I told him to stay away from him.”
“Do you think he listened to you?”
“I hope he did, but until I can talk to him, see his eyes, I won’t know for certain.”
“They’re going to try to paint Jordan as a lover out for revenge. The timeline of Gil’s disappearance and Jordan’s whereabouts proves he wasn’t there. I have him on camera here, with the two of you.”
I leaned forward, hope blooming in my chest, even though I knew the video time and date could have been changed. “So, he’s cleared?”
“He will be when I hand over the evidence, but I wanted to speak to you first. You will be questioned more, given your relationship with Jordan and your past relationship with Gil. I suggest joining me when I return to the station. Let’s get this out of the way so Jordan can come home.”
“Gil is still missing, right?”
“No one has seen him. You had someone tailing him, correct?”
She slid a card toward me. “Call them right now and have them send me what they know. There’s no evidence to keep Jordan in prison besides Gil leaving a trail at his home. That’s what led to this. There were notes Gil had written about Jordan having him followed and how he was afraid. He also told this to the East Dremest police chief. Gil knew what he was doing by leading them to Jordan. The question is why.”
I slumped in my chair. “Because he doesn’t want me with him. He thinks if Jordan’s in jail, I’ll leave and be alone again.”
“That’s my thought too, and why I need your person’s surveillance information. I already contacted the man Jordan had on him. Can you also give me a list of places Gil used to visit when you were with him?”
I nodded, going through my memories of locations Gil liked to visit. I had to help in any way I could. And I wouldn’t know for certain if Jordan had anything to do with this until I spoke to him. I just had to hope he wouldn’t lie to me.
The drive to the police station was done in silence. I didn’t go to the room Vail and Lana did, instead sitting in the SUV and waiting with the twins and Sheldon. Lana had driven herself because she was going to have to stay longer.
It felt like hours had gone by, but the clock told me that wasn’t the case. When Vail exited, he looked even more defeated than before. How much did he have to recount for the police? How much more did they need to know when they already had reports of what happened to him, thanks to Gil?
Reghan didn’t wait for Vail to put his seat belt on before pulling away from the curb and driving us home. Vail stayed quiet, leaning heavily against me.