My lips started to curve, but I couldn’t muster a full smile. “I don’t recommend it.”
“I know you want to sit here, but we have to leave. We shouldn’t keep Lana waiting.”
I nodded and slowly stood.
Dexen was in the doorway with a cup in his hand. “To rinse out your mouth.”
Hartley moved the cloth to my neck as I braced my arms over the sink, letting the mouthwash swish around. It had been so long since someone cared for me the way Hartley did. Jordan did as well, but Hartley had a gentle touch.
I spit and turned, bringing Hartley into my arms again. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“Always, Vail.”
When I leaned back, I took his cheeks in my hands. The urge to kiss him was strong, but I wouldn’t until I could thoroughly brush my teeth. “No matter what happens, I want you to remember something.”
It wasn’t the time or the place, but I couldn’t move without saying the words. “I love you.”
His bottom lip trembled. “You do?”
“Yeah, Hart, I do.”
“I love you too.”
He pushed up on his toes so he could wrap his arms around my neck. I held him while he cried softly against me. Words of comfort wouldn’t leave my lips. There was no way for me to know if everything would be okay. But one thing was certain: I had a man I loved to hold me together when I felt like I was falling apart.
It was never easy digging up a past I’d like to forget. It kept coming back though. Gil was still there with his menacing smile and words that hurt more than his hands did at times.
Lana waited for us inside our home, sitting at the dining table with a tablet in front of her she typed on. She had her phone out as well, probably to record what I was going to tell her.
Standing, she walked around the table to offer Hartley and me her hand. Her sleek straight auburn hair was almost to her shoulders. Blue eyes were framed with dark lashes and a pair of black-framed glasses. Freckles dusted across her cheeks and nose, slightly softening her appearance. A black pantsuit tapered in at the waist, accentuating her slender figure. She was only an inch or so taller than Hartley.
“Lana Saylor, nice to meet you both,” she said.
We introduced ourselves and took a seat at the table. Tahoe came over and sat down beside me so I could pet him.
“I’m going to record what you tell me, Vail,” Lana said, getting right to the point. “I hate to push, but the more I know, the more I can help not only Jordan, but you too.”
I nodded. “The cops tried to ask me questions at JJ’s house, but I wouldn’t talk to them.”
“Good, don’t without me or someone from my team with you. Now, tell me about your relationship with Gil. Start from the beginning.”
The beginning… I nearly laughed. “Gil and I met in college.” I remembered it like it was yesterday.
He was walking across campus with his attention on a paper he held, not looking where he was going. Two people had to dodge out of his way. I didn’t miss the way his arm that held the paper flexed with solid muscle or how his T-shirt sleeve wrapped around it. His dark brown hair ruffled on the summer breeze. Leaves rustled above as he walked beneath a tree.
I couldn’t resist seeing if he’d notice me, so I stepped into his path and waited. He was about two feet away when his head lifted, and his eyes met mine. They were nearly gold in the morning sun.
A smile graced his lips. “Did you think I was going to collide with you?”
“I was curious if you would.”