“We’d know if he wasn’t. There are a lot of cameras and security measures in place. If something trips one of the sensors on the fence, I’d receive an alert on my phone and so would Barry back at your home. Forest is fine. He’s probably enjoying nature.” He smiled and brought us to the next room.
I wasn’t overly worried about Hartley’s brother. Like Sylvan said, there was nothing here to get him and no one was climbing the fence at any point on the property without us knowing. But I understood Hartley’s worry after the shitty day we’d had. Well, that Vail, Forest, Sheldon, and Oleander had. Hopefully, the remainder of today was better, although I wasn’t making any bets.
Sheldon was able to find Forest in the vast yard somewhere. Forest’s cheeks were pink when he came back inside from the cold air. It was still March, and the bite of winter was doing its best to try to freeze us out.
Jordan scowled at Forest when they were back but didn’t say anything. My guess was because Hartley was worried. It didn’t matter the property had cameras and a hell of a security system. Anything could happen to him.
We were saying goodbye to Sylvan and thanking him for his hospitality when my phone rang, Dana’s name appearing on the screen.
“Hey,” I answered. Maybe he heard about the accident and the failed abduction. How, who knew? Jordan could have texted JJ.
“Cat’s been kidnapped,” he rushed out and failed to bite back a cry.
My heart stopped beating in my chest. My veins froze. The world ceased to rotate. Everything narrowed down to this one moment. And I couldn’t speak.
Jordan took the phone from me and put it on speaker. “What happened?” he barked.
“My fucking wife and children were kidnapped!” Dana yelled. “That’s what happened! And I can’t even fucking blame you because I’m positive this has everything to do with Gil. I’m going to murder him if I get my hands on him.”
“Not if I do it first,” Jordan growled. “What evidence do you have?”
“Gil pulling up to my fucking house while I was gone, after Vail and Forest left. He had four guys with him. They broke in and grabbed them. The only reason I know is because Cat was able to hit the emergency button on her phone and the security company called me and the police.”
Tears filled my eyes. It was horrible to think of my sister being abducted but my niece and nephew, no. Turning, I looked at Jordan. Tears broke free and slipped down my cheeks. “Please,” I whispered. I’d do anything for my family. My sister and her children meant everything to me. The kids were too little to be dragged into this. I knew Gil was horrible but to take children… I couldn’t bear it.
“Send me the video,” Jordan said.
“The cops already have it and are working to find them.”
“They won’t,” I said brokenly. “If they haven’t been able to find Gil yet, they won’t now. He’ll have ditched the car or hidden it well.” Gil did this to get to me. He didn’t make it this far undetected by being obvious.
“You do what you need to with them,” Jordan told Dana. “I’ll handle it my way.”
“Get my family back, Jordan. And Vail?”
“Yeah?” I whispered.
“This isn’t your fault. This was Gil and only him. I know you’d die to protect Cat and the kids.”
“Go. Find them. I can’t…” His words broke off in a sob. “They’re my entire world.”
“I will,” Jordan promised, hung up, and started barking orders at his men then placed phone calls. I heard him talk to Dexen, asking him to do anything he could to help. Jordan had an army at his disposal, but they couldn’t be everywhere at once. Dexen had his own team. Add in the Lynx brothers and those they knew; it was a wider net of people. The more we had, the better.
The police wouldn’t want us doing any of this. I hadn’t been able to trust them for a long time, thanks to how most treated me when I was broken and bruised. So no, I wouldn’t urge Jordan to ask them for help or tell them what he knew. They got us fucking nowhere regarding Gil.
Fresh tears flowed and I couldn’t stop them. Hartley put his arm around my waist and held me close. I soaked in his warmth and comfort as my mind spun. I couldn’t believe this was happening. All this time, I told Jordan not to go after Gil. Not to kill him. Yet Gil was going to lengths I never thought I’d see, just to have me back with him.
“Use me as bait,” I said to Jordan when I lifted my head from Hartley. “Gil’s going to contact me. When he does, I’ll go to him. It’s the only way to find him.”
“Absolutely not!” Jordan yelled. “I refuse to put your life on the line.”
“My family, Jordan…”