The home was stunning. I’d never been in anything like it. The front room we were in was two stories with tall windows that climbed high and arched at the top. To my left was a grand wooden staircase with railings that curled at the bottom. A burgundy carpet runner went up the stairs where they stopped at a broad landing.
On my right in the next room there was a library and a desk. It looked like a well-used space, with soft lighting and a computer monitor on the desk. The view outside was just as grand with the property spread out in front of it, pine trees dotting the landscape to give privacy.
“Vail, Hartley, this is Sylvan,” Jordan said. “Sylvan, these are my partners.”
Sylvan held out his hand to shake ours. His trembled in my grasp. “It’s nice to meet you. I wish it were under different circumstances, but please know the home is well-equipped to keep you safe. There are guns in every room and while my hand did shake just now, I assure you, I’ve got good aim.”
“Oleander trained him with targets in the backyard.”
A blush rose over Sylvan’s cheeks. “He’s a good teacher. Kind and patient.”
“Sylvan baked muffins this morning and was wondering if you’d each like one. Then he’ll give you a tour. The house is impressive.”
“You just want to get rid of us so you can take care of that…” Hartley motioned toward the door we entered through.
“I’m not going to deny it, but I’d rather not discuss it. There are consequences for fucking with who’s mine,” Jordan bit out. “As well as injuring those I care about. I have no remorse for what I’m about to do.”
Hartley sighed. “All right, I get it. Just… I don’t know… Don’t come upstairs with blood on you.”
Jordan nodded and pressed a kiss to Hartley’s lips before turning to me. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
“I’m okay. I’m not happy and I don’t want to think about what you’re about to do, but Ollie was injured, and I understand your motives.”
“Not just Ollie. You were in that SUV, as was Forest and Sheldon. No one will ever touch a fucking hair on your or Hartley’s heads without facing me for doing so.”
Before he could say more, I leaned forward to kiss him. “I love you, Jordan.”
“Even though I’m going to kill someone?”
“Yes. You’re honest with me when I ask. I trust you. We’ll be here when you’re done.”
If I thought about Jordan doing these things previously, it would make my stomach turn. I didn’t like violence in any sense, but something inside me changed today. After being in the accident, hearing the shots ring out, having to duck for cover with Forest, and watching Oleander bleed, I understood a bit more about Jordan. While I didn’t deal with situations like he did, in his mind, this was justified. And if it meant we were closer to finding Gil and ending all of it, then while I didn’t condone what he was about to do, I also didn’t hate him for it. I never would. Jordan wanted us protected and safe. This was his way of accomplishing it.
“I love you both.” Jordan turned and left the room, going through the door we entered from.
Hartley’s hand slipped into mine, drawing my attention to him. “That was nice of you to say to him.”
“I meant it. I don’t agree with him, but I understand him a little better. The violence I used to endure was nothing like today. It was only targeted at me in the past. And never more than what Gil’s hands and words could do. But today, they were shooting at us, Hart. I can still hear it. When Ollie was hurt, I don’t know, everything changed. Jordan’s dangerous as hell, but there are others out there who want nothing more than to take him out. While I know in my gut this has to do with Gil, other events haven’t. Jordan is meeting violence with violence because there’s no other way to handle it in his world.”
“You’re right, and we’ll be here for him when he needs us.”
“We will.”
We kissed but kept it brief. Forest was in the room, as was Sylvan, who was already nervous. He didn’t need to be uncomfortable too. Albert was here a moment ago, but he’d since drifted.
“You two...” Sylvan smiled. “I’ve never seen Jordan like this before. Then again, I’ve never seen him with a lover. We only talk when he calls or visits, which isn’t often.”
“How did you two meet?” I asked. It would be good to get my mind off the events of today and onto Sylvan and the beautiful home he lived in that doubled as Jordan’s safe house.
“Follow me and I’ll tell you. I did make muffins this morning. Blueberry.” He was still nervous as he glanced around but the more he talked to us, the more he seemed to relax.
We followed him into the kitchen, which was as grand as the rest of the house. Cabinets in a warm brown adorned the walls to my left. The counters were a light beige stone and shone beneath the recessed lighting. The doorways leading to and from the kitchen were arched, adding to the overall charm. The kitchen was open to a breakfast nook with a table that sat six. There was a bowl of fresh fruit in the center of the table. I was certain there was a formal dining room close. A house like this had to have one.
Sylvan plated a muffin for each of us and brewed coffee. When it was done, we sat in the breakfast nook.
“Are you sure you want to hear this?” Sylvan asked. “I’m not that exciting.”
“You work for Jordan,” Hartley said. “That in and of itself is interesting. Plus, look at this place. I need the details.” He picked up his mug and took a sip, his attention fully on Sylvan.