He grinned. “We are.”
Cat took a sip of her coffee. “Mom called.” She just had to slide that in there.
“Lucky you,” I said.
“She wants to see you. So does Dad.”
“As long as I’m not with Jordan.”
“I reminded her where we live and told her she was more than welcome to fly up, but if she wanted to see you, she had to see you and the men you’re in a relationship with.” I didn’t hate my parents. However, I refused to be ashamed of who I was with. They didn’t have to love Jordan. He deserved respect as my partner though. Hartley, I thought they’d be fine with. They’d remember him from when he was younger.
“I’d tell them to fuck off,” Forest said. The room went quiet.
Cat busted out laughing. “I’d pay to see that.”
“What? I remember how they didn’t like Vail being gay when we were teenagers. That shit won’t be forgotten.”
“We get along better now,” I told him.
“Obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “If they don’t like you being with Jordan then they don’t need to visit you. Screw that.”
Sheldon watched Forest, a slow smile forming on his lips. He caught me looking and quickly turned away.
Oleander shifted Ivy on his lap. “Life’s too short for hatred. If they don’t like how you live or who you’re with, I agree with Forest. They don’t need to visit you. Love shouldn’t be dependent on the people involved. None of it should matter. Just love.”
Cat propped her chin on her palm. “I want to wrap you in a blanket and never let you go.”
Oleander grinned. “I’d let you as long as I could bring Ivy with me.” My niece reached up to pull on a piece of Oleander’s dark hair. He had it down today, falling to his shoulders.
“What did Mom say?” I asked Cat.
“That you know how she feels. She wouldn’t mind seeing Hart, but she won’t be in the same room as a criminal. Her words, not mine. She acted all aghast to even say the word criminal.”
“I don’t want them here then. I have enough love around me.”
We sat with my sister, talking for a couple of hours. Ivy went down for a nap, as did Carson. The sky was darkening from the weather, not from the time. The forecasters were calling for snow so we decided to head back into the city. It was good spending time with my family.
Just outside of the city, I noticed Oleander looking into the rearview mirror repeatedly.
“What is it?” Sheldon asked, turning around.
“That gray Subaru has been on our ass since we left Cat’s.”
Forest and I turned as well. That was when the Subaru sedan started to drive around us on a double yellow line, riding alongside the SUV. They finally sped ahead and got in front of us. Oleander backed off the gas, but it didn’t do much good when the Subaru slammed on the brakes on the road that snow was starting to stick to. The Navigator careened into the back of it, all of us jolting forward, our seat belts keeping us in the seats. I didn’t have time to get my bearings before Sheldon was out of the SUV.
“Are you okay?” I asked Forest.
“I’m good. You?”
“Fine.” I’d probably have a bit of whiplash, but everything was where it was supposed to be on my body, and I didn’t have any immediate pain.
“Get down!” Oleander yelled as tires screeched to a halt outside. Another car must have driven up.
Forest and I ducked but there was only so far we could go with our seat belts on. Oleander opened his door. A shot rang out. He jumped out, slamming the door shut. More shots were fired.
I unbuckled and dropped to the floor, trying to pull Forest with me. He got his seat belt off and followed me down. I wasn’t sure how long we sat there for. It could have been a minute or ten.
Tires screeched again. Seconds later, the back of the SUV opened.