Dana chuckled and shook his head. “Can we eat now? I’m over the awkward introductions.”
“Thank fuck,” Hartley said. “I’m starving.”
While they went to the dining area, I started bringing dishes from the kitchen counter to the table. Dana offered to help, pulling me aside before doing so.
He spoke softly. “It’s obvious how much you care for them. I’m going to worry, but your happiness means everything to me and Cat. If you love them and they love you and treat you how you deserve, they’re okay with me.”
“Even though Jordan does illegal shit?”
“If you can live with it, so can I.”
“Thank you.”
He clasped me on the shoulder. “You’re my brother by marriage, but you’re so much more than that. I want the best for you.”
I pulled him in for a hug. Cat finding Dana wasn’t only lucky for her, but for me too.
I had already been living in Dremest when she came for a visit. She literally ran into Dana on the street, and they hit it off immediately. Next thing I knew, my sister was packing her belongings and moving here from North Carolina. Having her close was a comfort I didn’t realize I needed until she was here.
Cat had always been there for me, no matter how many miles were between us. Having her a short drive away, that was special. We had a lot of fights growing up and didn’t always see eye to eye. At the base of it, we wanted each other to be healthy and loved. And we’d always have each other’s backs.
“What?” I growled into the phone. This was not what I wanted to be dealing with on the morning of Vail’s birthday. I should have woken him up with my mouth on his cock or my tongue in his ass. Instead, Hartley and Vail were sound asleep while I yelled into the fucking phone far enough away they didn’t hear me.
“We still can’t find Cameron,” Barry said.
After my men went in search of the delivery truck, which they found empty, they started looking for Cameron. There were signs of a struggle and blood on the steering wheel and seat. Bloody handprints, to be precise, like he was injured and kept trying to drive.
They scoured the woods in hope he didn’t crawl away and die somewhere. There was no blood trail, no nothing. Just an empty truck. I debated on whether to call the local authorities. There was no trace of the original illegal contents. But it would draw attention to me and my organization. The guards knew working for me came with hazards, including death. I still wanted to know where Cameron and my guns were.
Barry and Vincent had returned with my truck, not wanting to leave it on the side of the road with blood in it. At least the cops hadn’t found it. Barry said it looked like a broken-down vehicle. We got to it in time.
But I had no answers. And I fucking hated when I had no answers.
“Where’s Vinny?” I asked.
“He’s still up north. I have him looking for Cam. So far, he hasn’t found anything.” Neither Cameron nor Vincent had family waiting to hear from them. Most of my men were unattached. It made things easier when one of them disappeared. Not that it happened often.
“Keep me posted.”
“I will, and Derek’s still being a dick. He called again this morning asking for another shipment.”
“Fuck him,” I seethed. After he received his shipment, he was told that was the end of our business. I didn’t work with people who came to my building, my fucking home, and demanded shit from me. Now he was pissed because he lost me as a quality supplier.
“I know. We have to do something though, because he won’t shut up.”
Glancing at the time on my phone, I saw it was only seven. “Get me the address to his home. I’m going to pay him a visit. And tell Sheldon, Reghan, and Albert they’re joining me. Have Raiden come up to guard Hart and Vail. We’re leaving in ten.”
“Got it.”
I hung up and went to the closet in my office. Spare suits hung there if I needed them in a hurry. Boxer briefs, shoes, socks, guns, and knives. I quickly dressed, put a gun in my holster, strapped a knife to my calf, and left the room as the elevator arrived with Raiden in it.
“Stay here,” I said to Raiden as I approached. “If they wake before I’m back, tell them I had to attend to something and will return as soon as humanly possible.”
“Yes, sir.”