“You don’t mind staying here tonight?”

“Nope,” she said. “You’ve got more room to move on the bed.”

“I do,” he said.

“When are you going to call Daphne?”

“As soon as we are settled. She’s texted me already. She’s home.”

“Do you want me to leave the room?” she asked.

“Why would you ask that?” he asked. “I know you text my sister.”

“Guilty,” she said. “She worries about you. I told her you’re fine. I’m feeding you well, but you do a good job of that on your own. That you’re a neat freak and don’t like having germs anywhere just like me. You exercise and I’ve seen vitamins in the bathroom. You should see the appalled look on your face.”

“Are you saying that to her?”

“God no,” she said. “Sometimes you’re just so easy. I just tell her that you’re great. I love being with you and now I can also say how much I love you.”

His sister would be thrilled to hear that. Daphne had said she’d love to meet Raine, but he knew his sister couldn’t afford the trip. He’d pay for it, but she’d be taking time off of work too.

Maybe this summer when Raine was off he could take time and bring her to meet his family.

“Take a seat, I’ll call her now.”

The two of them sat on the couch and he texted Daphne to make sure she was ready for the call.

“Merry Christmas,” his sister said. “Oh my God the jewelry you sent. And the purse was loaded with lotions and soaps. Even Mom was all but squealing, Aster. You’re the best.”

“I couldn’t decide,” he said. “You two tell me what you like so I know for the future. I think between the two of you, you got just about every scent that I thought you’d like.”

“The earrings and necklaces were great. I can’t wait to wear them at work. Not with the kids but at night.”

“Good,” he said. “How was your day?”

“Quiet,” Daphne said. “Mom and I baked a ham.”

“You mean you baked it and Mom ate it?” he asked.

His sister laughed. “I might have picked everything up and started dinner, but she helped out.”

“That’s something at least. I’m assuming you’re in your room since you said that?”

“I am,” Daphne said. “Listen, I told Mom and Dad that Raine doesn’t know about the money.”

“Thanks,” he said. He glanced at Raine, but she wasn’t paying attention while he talked to his sister just yet. He didn’t need his parents bringing that up and having Raine wonder.

“That’s your choice.”

“It is,” he said.

“Mom wants to see Raine. I did show her some pictures of you two together. Can you call me on video?”

“Sure,” he said. He hung up and turned to Raine. “My parents want to see you live. Kind of meet you.”

“Not a problem,” she said.

He called back and his sister answered and he saw her standing behind her parents who were sitting on the couch. At least it was blocking the mess in the room. He was sure his sister did that on purpose too.