He’d take her word for it, put his hands back on her hips, her legs still kind of hanging there hovering above the ground, and starting to move in and out in full strokes.
She let out a little moan and then a louder one and he felt her starting to come.
He leaned forward and let go of her legs, his chest pressing against her back as she was lying on the bed and just continued to move in and out until it felt as if his insides all but exploded. Then he just stopped and lay there trying to catch his breath.
“I know I’m heavy,” he said. “I’ll move.”
“It’s not that,” she said. “You’re sweaty. I can feel it.”
If she wasn’t laughing he’d be a little embarrassed.
He flopped off of her and landed on his back. “You take a lot of work.”
“Sorry about that,” she said. “I could have brought out my little toy to try to take care of it, but I was balancing myself. I didn’t expect you to lift me that way.”
“We aren’t meant to fit that well together.”
“Don’t kid yourself,” she said. She’d moved and landed on his chest. “I think we are meant to fit great together. It just takes a bit of work.”
He closed one eye at her but didn’t say anything else.
She moved and he got up to take care of the condom.
When he came out, she had a T-shirt and shorts on. Her little thong was on the bed and she picked it up to put in the hamper.
“Are you commando under those shorts?”
“Granny panties,” she said. “Want to see?”
“It’s the person wearing them that is sexy, not the material itself.”
“Aren’t you a sweet one,” she said.
“You tell me that enough I might start to believe it,” he said.
He finished buttoning his jeans since he only had to yank them up in the bathroom.
“I might just do that,” she said.
She opened her door and walked out and then stopped suddenly.
“Looks like there is your second number two,” Van said. “Or is that a number three? I’m not sure of poop lingo when it comes to dogs.”
“It’s shit,” she said. “That’s the lingo. Dog shit on my couch!”
“Are you going to yell Mr. Franklin?” he asked, grinning.
“Not funny,” she said. “He’s never done that before.”
“Maybe you scared it out of him,” he said. “You know...when you were making all that noise in your room.”
She turned to look at him. “Are you laughing? Like seriously laughing?”
“I guess I am.”