“Because they were filming us. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s a video can be altered and the internet is forever. It was better to leave to diffuse.”
She wasn’t thinking that and should have. Hadn’t she realized that already with Bill on the online dating apps?
“I guess.”
“And if I don’t hear from Christian before we are back on the island, that is going to be a bigger issue in my eyes.”
“You know, Van. I like this side of you. Sexxxxxxxxyyyyyy.”
He grunted and she laughed. So much for trying to get him to smile.
The next morning there was a knock at their door before eight. They were getting ready to leave to catch the ferry at ten.
“I’ve got it,” Van said, moving to the door. He opened it and saw Christian standing there looking rough and ready.
“Why didn’t I know you were in the hotel?” Christian asked.
He frowned. “I wasn’t aware I had to tell you where I went or what I did in my life.”
“If it involves the running of my hotels, then I’d like to know,” Christian snapped.
This guy forgot who he was talking to.“Yourhotels?” he asked.
“You know what I mean,” Christian said. “You think you can walk in here and just take over like that because you’re Barry’s grandson? You don’t know shit about running a hotel. What you did was irresponsible. I’ve spent all morning trying to talk to the guests that you threatened and comping them.”
“What?” he asked. “Comping them for what? They are lucky they were allowed to even stay in the hotel.”
“For having their night end early.”
He growled. “There were signs posted on the noise level. When I called at eleven to ask nicely for them to be told to lower it down outside, I was informed I was the fifth person calling and they couldn’t find security. Funny, consideringyouwere supposed to be getting a handle on this.”
“I can do my job,” Christian said. “Without interference from you. Carl was on a break and didn’t get the calls. He must have been in the bathroom or something.”
“Is that what he told you?” he asked. “Because I’m pretty sure it’d been over thirty minutes since he showed up. At least fifteen since I called. Unless he had a stomach bug, in which case he shouldn’t be working, then he should have gotten his ass down there and dealt with that before it escalated.”
“It only escalated when another guest tried to take care of it instead of having us do it,” Christian said.
He had no idea why this guy was arguing with him.
Why Christian even felt as if he had the right to do it.
But Van was letting him dig a hole and see how far he’d get before the shovel broke.
“A guest had to go out there because no one was dealing with it here.”
“I was told staff had gone out a few times and talked to them,” Christian said.
“Yep,” he said. “I saw at least one. Obviously, it did nothing. On top of that, the staff was treated poorly and that isn’t going to happen. I don’t give a shit about the customer is always right crap. No one is going to be treated the way that staff was. She went out there to deliver a message nicely and was screamed at and another person threw an empty cup at her.”
“No one told me that,” Christian said.
“Did you even ask? You’ve been down there trying to deal with the group causing the issues and not the ones that called to complain. I doubt you’ve got all the facts because you’d have to talk to everyone to get them.”
“Not everyone is available that was here last night,” Christian argued. “Sometimes you’ve got to make decisions based on the information you’ve got at the moment. But you don’t know those things. You don’t understand customer service. You’re used to throwing your weight around in law enforcement. Things are different here. You’re making a mess of shit and your grandfather would be pissed off.”