He didn’t buy it. The look in his eyes told her that much.
He gave her another few moments. Soon it became evident she wasn’t going to offer more, so he changed the subject.
“Do you want breakfast?”
“Want a bath first?”
“You have a tub in here?”
“Like you said, my cabin is bigger than yours.” He jerked his head toward a chair near the bed. Some of her things were there, including the toys she’d bought yesterday. “You grabbed some of your stuff when we went back to your room.”
She scratched her head. “We went back to my room?”
“Uh-huh. After you came to. Just to get a few things. You were insistent on getting your stuffie, those toys, and some diapers.”
She blushed hard. She wondered what all she’d said to the man. Hopefully nothing too embarrassing.
“Since you wanted those toys so bad I figured you’d want to take a bath. Now’s your chance.”
It hadn’t been on her mind, but it did sound lovely.
“Do you need help?” he asked.
She grew tense. He’d seen her naked before. Or partly naked. She had worn her bra during the exam yesterday, but he saw the rest when he’d put the diaper on her.
The thought of undressing in his presence was more than a little thrilling. She wanted him to be naked, too. Mmm. Now that would be fun!
But she remembered that skinny blond from yesterday.
Ella couldn’t compare to that woman, and she knew it.
“I’m fine,” she said.
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” she said. Though she wasn’t sure.
A few minutes later, she found herself in the unexpectedly large bathroom, partly submerged in the deep, bubbly tub full of warm water.
Unlike the tiny bathroom in her cabin, this one had a window. She was giggly as she watched the ocean go by. It was so serene and vast. It made her feel small.
She took a moment to play with the bath toys, smiling as she fell deeper into Little Space.
A moment later, there was a knock on the door.
“Yeah?” she said.
“Are you all good in there?”
“Are you getting good and clean?”
“Yes, Daddy.” She giggled louder and covered her mouth. “Sorry. That just kinda slipped.”
“No need to be sorry. You can call me whatever you want. We’ll talk more about that later.”