Eighteen and twenty, respectively.
And both at the same university.
She’d dropped them off yesterday for the fall semester—meaning she’d also left a little piece of her heart on that campus. She already missed them so badly that it felt as if her heart was going to break in two.
Chill out. They’ll be home on Thanksgiving. And you’ll see them next month when you drive down there for that weekend visit.
The internal reassurance did little to soothe her aching heart.
She read the new comments—some old co-workers and distant relatives sending their well-wishes—and then put her phone down. She stumbled out of bed and winced at the stiffness in her joints.
Forty-five was no picnic.
She knew she wasn’t old. But she wasn’t exactly young anymore, either. She was—dare she say the dreaded description—middle aged.
She made her way to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror.
She was quite a sight with no makeup on.
“You’re quite a sight even with makeup on,” she said aloud, shaking her head in frustration at her own image.
This morning, she had the same thoughts she had every morning.
You’re twenty-five pounds overweight. Really more than that. You have crow’s feet. You need Botox. And oh my gosh, how saggy can your boobs get? They look like deflating balloons slowly losing their air a week after a birthday party!
She tried to shove those thoughts from her mind. She didn’t have time to dwell on them. She needed to get to that doctor’s appointment.
She smiled for the first time that morning.
Dr. Bryan Kirk. The man she’d dreamed about. Her fantasy Daddy.
She knew it was more than likely only her imagination, but that guy gave off major Daddy vibes!
Not that he really was one, she reminded herself.
And not that he’d want you on the slim chance he was.
Keep dreaming, Ella.
Because dreams are all you have in the romance department.
Chapter Two
Dr. Bryan Kirk knocked briefly and then stepped into the exam room.
“Good morning, Ella. How are you?”
Ella fought the urge to smile. But simply hearing his voice made her all kinds of excited. And being in the same room as him? Yep. She was pretty sure her panties were getting wet.
A dreadful thought crossed her mind, causing her to tense with panic. Would she have to take her pants off for any reason? What if he noticed the giant wet spot on her underwear?
She silently reassured herself that she wouldn’t have to disrobe. He wasn’t that kind of doctor. It wasn’t that kind of exam.
Part of her was disappointed.
She remembered that he had asked a question. She pulled her head out of the clouds and said, “Doing good. How are you?”