“I believe you,” he said, beaming a proud smile. “That’s why I brought my Little to play with you. She’s right over there. That’s Sadie.”

“Oh! I was wondering who the new girl was,” Lilly said with excitement.

“She’s only new to you,” Master Derek said. “She’s been here on the Ranch since she was eighteen. That’s been quite a few years ago. Her friend Halle invited her and I thought it was a wonderful idea. Why don’t you go run along and play. That is, if your Daddy is fine with that.”

He’s not my Daddy, Lilly thought. But she sure wasn’t about to correct Master Derek.

“That’s a great idea,” Edward said. “Go on, baby. Have fun. But stay out of trouble!”

“Yes, Sir.”

She skipped away to meet the others near the swing set.

“Hi, Sadie. I’m Lilly.”

Sadie was a gorgeous brunette in her early to mid-twenties. She was clearly a Little, but not a Caterpillar like Lilly, Betty, and Halle.

“Hi, Lilly. I’ve heard all about you. Way to go on the golf cart thing! That’s already a classic!”

Lilly winced. “Everyone does know about that, huh?”

“Sure do!” Sadie said. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You’re not the first Little to pull a prank around here.”

“Yeah, but that might go beyond a prank,” Lilly said.

“But you’re ready to pull some more shenanigans. Or that’s what I hear,” Sadie said quietly.

“She’s cool,” Halle said.


“I’m Master Derek’s Little,” Sadie said with a slight laugh. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to rat you all out. Now, I can’t exactly get my hands dirty. But I can help a bit. What do you have in mind?”

Lilly still wasn’t convinced. The others read as much on her face.

“Hey, I’ve pulled some doozies in my day,” Sadie said.

“Tell her about the soda!” Halle encouraged.

“Oh, I’m proud of that one. You see, one time I put salt in the cafeteria’s soda fountain. I needed to help a friend out so she could pretend to be sick and get out of school.”

“Nice!” Lilly said with a giggle.

“That’s just the beginning. Another time, I started an epic food fight. I could go on, but I think you get the point,” Sadie said proudly.

“She has bona fide prank skills,” Halle pointed out.

“True,” Lilly said. “Thanks for helping, Sadie.”

“No worries. But for the record, Halle told me the story, and I recommend you let things play out. Kinda seems like you and Edward were made for each other,” Sadie said.

That sickening feeling churned once more in Lilly’s stomach. She would love nothing more than to call Edward Daddy and be held by him forever.

But it just couldn’t be.

She had to drive him away.

“I’ve got to break free of him. It’s for our own good. There’s no choice but to pull this prank,” she muttered. No one looked convinced. Not even Lilly herself. “Can you give me anything to work with? Just a solid lead? I want something to go down during the big Labor Day festivities. Something major.”