She was nearly panting. She was hugging Ms. Duckworth so tightly that she feared the stuffing might pop out.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked.
No. I am most definitely not okay.
“All good,” she lied. “I’m hungry!” She sprung from the bed, eager to focus on anything other than the hot, nearly naked man who stood before her.
“We’ll go get something to eat in a minute. But first I need to change that diaper of yours and get you ready. Just settle down. I’ll be ready soon.”
He grabbed the remote control from the nightstand drawer and turned on the TV. The Ranch provided a channel dedicated to Littles like Lilly that played nothing but bright, colorful cartoons, shows with puppets, and sing-along videos. Lilly sat in her wet diaper, still hugging Ms. Duckworth, and watched. But she barely saw the images that flickered across the screen.
Her mind was too preoccupied with Edward to catch much else.
The Littles met up at the park, eager to play and scheme.
Upon arriving, Lilly first noticed Master Derek. Apparently, her apprehension was noted by Edward.
“Don’t worry,” he said, patting her hand. “The golf cart incident is in the past. He’s not here to spank you again.”
She laughed uneasily.
He was talking to two security guards. They listened intently, nodded, then said, “Yes, sir.” They trotted away as men on a mission.
“Wonder what’s going on?” she said.
“I’ll find out. But don’t you worry about it. The Ranch is safe,” Edward said. “Everything is okay.”
She looked at the playground and saw Betty, Halle, and a Little she’d never met before waving her over. She held up one finger, letting them know she’d be right there.
“Everything okay around here?” Edward said.
Master Derek smiled. “Yes, everything is fine. We did have a little incident with a drone this morning.”
“A drone?” Edward said.
Master Derek nodded. “From time to time we get curious folks—and sometimes even the media—trying to spy on what goes on at the Ranch. Of course, this might have just been a hobbyist flying their expensive toy or someone trying to capture scenic shots of the Montana countryside and mountains.” He shrugged. “Either way, security is just taking a little extra care today. We have drones, too. Our chief of security, Lawson Berringer, will send a few up to monitor the airspace.”
“Ooh. This sounds top secret!” Lilly said. “Like government spy stuff!”
Both men chuckled.
“Nothing that exciting, I’m afraid,” Master Derek said. “We take everyone’s privacy very seriously.”
“I read the camera policy before coming,” Edward said. “That’s one of the reasons I felt so comfortable here.”
“I’m glad you do.” Master Derek looked at Lilly. “And how are you doing, little one?”
“I’m fine, Master Derek.”
“Is your bottom still sore?”
She blushed, gulped, and then bobbed her head. “A little bit, Sir.”
“Good,” he said. “I suppose that will make you think before getting into trouble again.”
“Yes, Sir. I’ll be a good girl today.”
That wasn’t exactly a lie, she realized. She planned on being a good girl today. It was Labor Day when things would get a bit out of hand. Master Derek didn’t need to know that, though.