The Littles busied themselves with the toys as they continued to talk, clinking and clacking as they fake-stirred the dough.

“Who is Ms. Duckworth?” Halle asked.

“My stuffie. I wanted to bring her to play, but Daddy was worried I’d lose her.” She paused and hung her head. “I guess he’s not really my Daddy.”

“Your Caregiver,” Halle said.

“Yeah. But I want him to be more. That’s the problem.”

“Ah. I sensed there was a story there. Do you want to share, friend?” Halle said.

Lilly thought it over. Despite having just met Halle an hour or so prior, the two had already formed a tight bond. It takes vulnerability, openness, and trust to be Little with another person. Because of that, it can cause attachments to develop quickly. Lilly knew she could trust her new friend.

“It’s complicated,” she said, keeping her voice low. She cast a quick glance to the men. They were deep in conversation, no doubt talking about Daddy things. Or sports. Or whatever guys like to talk about. Finally, Lilly decided it was safe to share. She spent the next five minutes explaining the history she shared with Edward.

“Ah. A stepbrother romance,” Halle said after listening carefully.

“It’s okay if you think I’m weird and disgusting. You don’t have to play with me,” Lilly said.

“Are you kidding? I’d never think that about you.” Halle hugged her. The embrace felt wonderful. “Stepsibling romances are very popular in books.”

“That’s what I keep hearing,” Lilly said.

Halle nodded. “I don’t think people find it that weird. At least not a lot of people.”

“But it is weird. Isn’t it?” Lilly asked. “Oh gosh. I’m so confused. But it doesn’t matter. We can’t be together. Edward would never go for it. It would make his company look bad. And what would our parents think? No, it’s too strange.”

“You have to follow your heart,” Halle said, gripping Lilly’s hand. “Life is short. Be with the one you love.”

Lilly wanted to cry. Her heart screamed that Halle was right. But she knew what common sense said. What society dictated. She and Edward would be thought of as freaks.

“I wish it were that simple,” she said. She sighed, hesitated, then looked her new friend in the eyes. “We can’t ever be together. That’s why I have to end this before it goes any further. I have to drive Edward away.”

“How do you plan on doing that?” Halle asked.

“I hatched a plan. I don’t have all the details hammered out yet, but basically, I’m going to be naughty. Like super naughty. He won’t want a bratty Little. He’ll think I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Then we can finally put these silly notions of forever away for good.”

Halle’s face contorted.

“What?” Lilly said.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I really vote for following your heart.”

“But I can’t,” Lilly protested.

Halle nodded, but it was still obvious she didn’t like the option.

“Well, I don’t like it, but I won’t abandon you,” Halle said. “Let me know how I can help.”

“Thank you, but I don’t want you to get in trouble,” Lilly said.

“Oh, trust me, my Daddy is a big softie. I know he talked a big game earlier.” She smiled as she made her voice deep, trying to mimic him. “Let me change your diaper or I’ll spank your bottom.”

Both Littles howled with laughter.

Halle offered a dismissive wave. “He’s all bark and no bite. He’ll spank me every now and then, sure, but it isn’t bad. He’d much rather cuddle.”

The same could not be said about Edward, Lilly suspected. While she hadn’t actually gone over his knee, she had no doubt he could be strict.