Lilly spun a slow circle and took it all in. She giggled as excitement gripped her. This was going to be amazing!

Seeing the gift shop, she hurried to it, eager to see what treasures it held. She’d barely poked her head in when she saw a vast selection of toys lining one wall.

They weren’t toys like stuffies or blocks and trains.


They were toys like a Daddy might use on his Little.

Her stomach turned nervous somersaults as she stared in wide-eyed amazement at the BDSM gear. Paddles, tawses, canes, cuffs, ball gags, and other implements hung in proud display.

Yep. This was definitely not like any other guest ranch one could book a stay at!

The gift shop held other items, as well, but before she could go in deeper to survey them, someone called for her attention.

“Ah. You must be Lilly,” a rich voice said.

Lilly tore her eyes away from the forbidden fruit and turned them to the neatly dressed man who approached her. She needn’t be introduced to him as she knew exactly who he was simply by the way he carried himself.

“Master Derek,” she said with a smile.

He held out his hand. She shook it as she smiled back.

“I’m glad you found your way to us safely,” he said.

“Yes, Sir. No problems at all.”

“Good. I was slightly concerned. Travel can be a headache, especially on a holiday. That’s why we’re so busy here. A good number of people have come in for Labor Day. Come. Let’s go to my office where we can talk in private.”

He swept his hand forward, indicating the way.

Lilly was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe it was finally happening. She was at the Rawhide Ranch. Maybe it was exactly what she needed to forget all about Edward.

They arrived at Master Derek’s office. The room was just as nice as Lilly had envisioned it. It was massive, too!

A giant, mahogany desk was polished to a brilliant shine. It looked to be hand-carved and was quite ornate. One corner of the room held a couch complete with throw pillows. Another corner held a large armoire. It was closed, but Lilly had a pretty good idea as to what it held. Her mind drifted back to the gift shop and the alluring yet somewhat frightening treasures it contained.

She gulped.

She could just picture a naughty Little being called into Master Derek’s office to receive their just comeuppance for naughty behavior.

She vowed not to be that Little.

Everything about Master Derek spoke of a highly capable and qualified man. She had no doubt he could dish out discipline with the best of them.

She’d rather not find out.

“Please, sit,” he said, indicating one of the visitor chairs before his desk.

She eased down into it, smoothed out her shirt, and folded her hands in her lap as she waited for the meeting to begin.

Master Derek sat in his posh leather office chair and smiled across the desk at the Ranch’s newest guest.

“As I said, I’m so glad you made it here safely. You know, I feel as if all unaccompanied Littles are in my care,” he said.

She nodded. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” he said with a slight chuckle. “It will be necessary to go over a few rules. We’ll get to that. First, I have a treat for you.”