“Thanks for coming. I know you’re busy. I had a blast with you,” she said.

More silence. A lot more awkwardness. Time seemed to crawl.

“I better get on back to the city,” he said.

He gave her a hug, but it was every bit as awkward as the attempted conversation had been.

“Drive careful,” she said.

He nodded.

A mixture of relief and sorrow settled over Edward as he wheeled his suitcase toward the car. He could feel Lilly watching him as he hurried down the walkway. He threw his luggage in, gave her one last wave, and then ducked into his car.

She waved back.

She didn’t close the door until he’d driven away.

Chapter 14

Two Months Later

“This is going to be the best week of my life!” Lilly said.

She was holding Ms. Duckworth as she stared at the building straight ahead. Around her in the distance, Montana rose in all its majestic, scenic glory. The mountains were jagged and ancient, demanding a sense of awe. They weren’t the only thing, though.

The building Lilly stood in front of was quite impressive. In fact, the whole Rawhide Ranch was! At least, the parts she’d seen of it on her trip through the gates and to the main structure. She assumed the rest of the sprawling grounds were just as wonderful.

Lilly took a moment to study the building, trying to let the butterflies in her stomach calm down. So far, she wasn’t having any luck. So, she focused on the building’s details.

It was a nice place and evidently a great deal of money had been spent on its construction and upkeep. The place had a rustic look. That was clearly all by design, though. There was certainly nothing primitive about this establishment.

Lilly finally settled her nerves enough to walk into the building. Her legs felt like stone as she trudged up the front steps. She wasn’t dreading this. Far from it. She’d dreamed of visiting Rawhide Ranch since she first learned of its existence online a year prior. It seemed to be the perfect place for a Little and submissive like her. She’d have plenty of friends to play with. At least, that was the plan. She would enjoy the scenic beauty. Have fun taking part in the various activities. It would be wonderful.

No, she wasn’t dreading it in the least bit.

She was just so nervous. Her one encounter on the Big and Little dating app hadn’t ended well.

And then there was the whole Edward incident.

They’d barely spoken since their time together. Nothing more than a few texts, in fact.

She assumed he was trying to forget about his feelings just like she was trying to forget hers.

Or maybe that was wishful thinking on her part.

Maybe he wasn’t into her at all. Maybe the kiss—and the times he’d Daddied her so hard—were nothing but isolated incidents for him. Moments of weakness.

She hoped not. But it was possible.

As far as she went, Edward was almost all she could think about. But it couldn’t be. So, she was at the Ranch. Perhaps here she would find a Daddy.

What better place to look? And until then, she’d enjoy herself. This place looked amazing!

Inside she found that the lobby was just as grand as the outside. Maybe even more so.

There was plenty of wood everywhere. Large beams spanned the ceiling. Huge windows gave guests terrific views of the sprawling Montana countryside and towering mountains. There was an enormous, double-sided fireplace that would provide plenty of warmth in the winter. Being as it was only early September, the fireplace wasn’t in use yet. In a couple of months, though, she could just picture a fire, crackling and roaring, logs shifting and spreading their warmth to guests who huddled close, drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies.

That was nothing more than a rumbling on the horizon. Fall was just arriving. Labor Day brought with it all the potential and promises of autumn, winter, and the glorious days to come. It seemed like a lot of folks had that mindset. The Ranch’s headquarters was bustling with activity.