Chapter 1
“Is my sweet princess ready for her nap?”
Edward appraised the young woman who lay before him, an approving smile tugging at his lips.
She was as cute as cute could be! Long, silky brown hair that matched her large, innocent eyes. Her body was lush with curves. Her pajama top and shorts were pink and depicted happy, smiling animals.
She hugged her stuffie—a little dog wearing a pink, frilly dress complete with a large bow atop her head.
The faint aroma of baby powder still hung in the air. A tell-tale crinkling sound could be heard as the woman shifted in her crib. “I’m sleepy, Daddy.” Her voice sounded uber Little, a hint of whining in her cadence.
“I know, princess. That’s why Daddy asked if you’re ready for your nap. I guess I have my answer,” Edward said with a chuckle.
He drew the moment out, not wanting to take his eyes off the cutie. Finally, he said, “Okay. Naptime. I want you to close those beautiful eyes and go to sleep. Do you understand, little one? No getting out of bed on your own. Daddy will come get you when it’s time.”
“When?” she asked.
“When I think you’re ready. You’ve been playing hard all morning. You’ve got to be exhausted.”
She stuck out her bottom lip in an overt display of poutiness. She knew the rules—no fit throwing. And she wasn’t outright throwing a fit. Not yet. But Edward sensed things were moving in that direction. His suspicions were further confirmed when she kicked her legs and pounded angry fists into the mattress. Her nostrils flared as she huffed.
“I’m not sleepy! I want to play some more!”
Edward had to fight another grin. She was a firecracker, that was for sure, but she was cuter than any Little had a right to be. He couldn’t let her see that. Not right now, at least. In fact, he needed to nip this behavior in the bud. Still, he couldn’t quite bring himself to discipline her yet. Perhaps a warning would suffice.
“This can go one of two ways,” he said. “One, I can get you out of bed and—”
“Uh-huh! I want that one, Daddy!” She sat up, smiling devilishly as she rested her elbows on the oversized crib’s railing.
“Listen, babygirl. I wasn’t finished.”
He gave her a moment to process. Some of the wind left her sail, her body sagging a bit against the railing.
“Now, as I was saying,” he continued, “I can pull you from that crib, tug your shorts and diaper down, and paddle that fanny until its red. Or you can lie down, close those eyes, and go to sleep like a good girl. The choice is yours.”
She sucked in her bottom lip as she considered the two options. “I don’t want pop-pops on my bottom, Daddy.”
This time, Edward couldn’t resist a smile. Oh this cutie had his heart! How was it possible that one woman could be so adorable? And how did she have such a powerful hold on him?
To the world, Edward Ironside was known as a shrewd businessman. A financial mogul who always got his way. He never showed this much patience in the boardroom.
But when it came to adorable Littles—well, he had a major soft spot.
Especially when it came to his Little.
But something felt off.
A powerful force gripped him and began pulling.
No, he thought.
Don’t let her fade away. Hold on to her. Hold on to this moment! Don’t go yet—
She began to disappear, as if turning into dust and drifting away on a breeze.
He tried reaching for her, but it was no use.