“We’d gladly pay it,” one man chimed in.
Others nodded.
Before anyone could say anything else, the sound of frantic footsteps filled the air. The men turned to see the women rushing up to the garage.
“Wyatt,” Margo said, “someone was watching us. Over at the church.”
“It’s him!” Wyatt said, though he didn’t know that for sure. His gut told him so and he’d learned a while ago to put stock in his hunches.
“What were y’all doing at the church?” Kirk asked.
Layla gulped. “We, uh…went for a little walk.”
“Without asking?” Kirk said. He looked from her to the other ladies. “Did any of you ask your husbands’ permission?”
The women hung their heads. The answer was obvious.
“We’ll deal with y’all later,” Wyatt said as he hurried out.
“I’ll be taking my belt off when I get back,” James said to Kylie as he left.
Kirk gave Layla a look that said she should expect the same. “Stay put,” he said. “All of y’all.”
And with that, the men were out, dashing through town, hunting the mysterious watcher.
Chapter Twelve
“I can’t believe we struck out,” Kirk said.
The men were back at Wyatt’s house, all disheartened that the trespasser had seemingly vanished into thin air.
“Well, the way the ladies told it, he was milling about the church which is an active construction site,” Wyatt pointed out. “Probably just rummaging for stuff. Nothing more than a thief.”
Wyatt didn’t sound very convinced. None of the other guys seemed to be, either.
“Right now, you gents get on home. It’s not up to me to tell you how to run your households, but I can tell you my wife is due a good paddling. Another week in diapers might do her some good, too.”
Kirk nodded his agreement.
“Come to think of it, I know a naughty wife myself.
“And a good paddling is exactly what she needs.”
“I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this!”
Layla wasn’t shouting, but her voice was certainly raised to a disrespectful level. She realized it, too, and thought of backtracking, but realized she was already too deep into her defiance to turn back now. Maybe she could throw a big enough fit to work her way out of this mess.
“You don’t?” Kirk said. “Honey, neither you nor any of the wives told us y’all were going for a walk. We didn’t know you’d even left Wyatt’s place. What if this guy at the church had been some deranged killer?”
“I’m still here, aren’t I?”
“Oh, really? That’s how you want to play this?” Kirk said. “You’re coming dangerously close to getting a long spanking. I did some thinking on our way home. I was willing to let this incident slide because I’m just glad you’re okay. I’m not so sure now.”
Layla rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just hurry up and spank me so I can get this stupid punishment over with and go to bed. This was a fun night but it’s been ruined now!” She turned her nose up haughtily as she angled her back toward her husband.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you, little girl?” Kirk said. He shook his head and chuckled.