The thought of getting an enema terrified Layla. She didn’t have long to worry about that, though, because at the moment there was a more pressing issue.
The diaper training was about to begin.
Dr. McDonald finished the exam and then retrieved a bland, light green diaper from one of the cabinets and handed it to Kirk.
“You should put it on her,” Dr. McDonald said. “It’s a big moment and I don’t want to intrude. I’ll give you two some privacy. There’s powder there on the counter.”
“Thank you, doc,” Kirk said, standing and bouncing the disposable garment in his big hands.
Layla was about to protest, stating maybe she couldn’t submit to that level. Perhaps there were other ways to build trust. Maybe different training methods could be used. But in her nervousness—her whole body seized by fear, doubt, and humiliation—her bladder let loose before she even realized it. She flooded her panties. A puddle spread on the exam table between her legs before trickling off and splashing onto the floor loudly. She cried in horror.
“Aww, sweetheart, it’s okay. No reason to be nervous.”
She brought both hands up and covered her face. “But I don’t need diapers.”
She felt foolish for even uttering the statement. It wasn’t very convincing given as how she was still peeing.
She felt relief when Kirk’s strong arms wrapped her in a tight embrace.
He kissed the top of her head.
“You’re doing so good. I’m proud of you. I’m going to clean you up, put this diaper on that cute bootie, and then we’ll get on home. We have a big day today.”
Layla knew any further protesting would be in vain. She nodded and complied as Kirk slid her off the table long enough to tug her soaked panties down.
I’m just a little baby after all, she thought, sulking silently as Kirk tended to her. He might as well prepare a bottle and get me a pacifier. I can’t even keep my underwear dry.
Kirk laid her back atop the exam table. He then went to the cabinet where the diapers were and found a package of wipes. He returned, standing at the end of the table, between her spread legs.
“Such a good girl,” he said in a patient tone.
Layla’s body was still beyond tense, but it relaxed a few seconds after the wet wipe made contact with her sensitive skin. She cooed at the comforting sensation. Kirk’s touch was so gentle and loving. Maybe regression training wouldn’t be all bad. That’s what she told herself, at least.
He used one arm to hoist her bottom off the table while sliding the diaper beneath her. The garment rustled loudly as he brought the front through her legs and then worked the four tapes that would hold it in place around her waist.
“I’m proud of you, honey. You’re doing perfect. I bet we can think of a reward later. Something you’ll really like.” He winked at her. She giggled.
“Come on,” he continued. “Let’s get you home.
“First things first. It’s time to pack up your panties.
“You won’t be needing them for a while.”
Chapter Ten
By the time evening fell, Layla was feeling a bit more comfortable with the fact she was now in diapers and would be for the foreseeable future.
She didn’t know for how long. Some of the other wives she’d talked to had mentioned a few months. A couple had been in diapers a whole year! Only time would tell what Kirk decided. Whatever he chose—and it was absolutely his choice—she would accept it. She was already embracing it, even.
That comfort faded a bit, though, when she and Kirk arrived at Sheriff Stone’s house for a cookout. She was wearing a cute sundress that Kirk had bought for her, and it wasn’t blatantly obvious what she wore beneath it, but if anyone listened closely they’d hear that tell-tale crinkle.
No one would think anything about it, she realized. In fact, some of the other women were in various stages of regression training, too. Even Margo had been put back in diapers the other day, thought that was for disciplinary reasons.
With that in mind, Layla decided to try and forget about it all and enjoy the evening. That’s exactly what she did, too. It was exciting to be gathering with so many people from the community.
The weather was lovely, and the patio and backyard were filled with people. There were a fair number of guests in the house, too.
Wyatt Stone stood over the grill, flipping burgers and bratwursts, while some of the other men huddle near, talking as they sipped on cold bottles of beer or soda.