The air around me sticks to my skin like another layer, chilling with each step down the stairs making goosebumps line the flesh. I catch myself looking over my shoulder, waiting for a Tide to appear from the walls. I haven't heard him, seen him, or even felt him. Come to think of it, the halls are emptier than they should be. I know Depth is still here though.
Turning into the first room I find; I take in the small rickety old desk that looks like it can collapse with the slightest amount of added weight. Searching all corners of the room for a small flashing red light, once I see it’s clear, I hurry in. The paint chips from the walls, adding to the uneasy feeling turning in my stomach. I shouldn’t be here. I have to, though.
Shifting through the filing cabinets, I look over numerous captives’ belongings, steadying my breathing so my heart doesn’t burst through my chest while I search for any form of key. Surely there’s a master card somewhere that’ll allow me to get into any room I need. From what I’ve noticed, the tech here is similar to Bays, just less advanced, sticking to the things they know best, which means I don’t have to worry about fingerprints or retina scans as I do at home. Good, because I don’t fancy causing a scene by cutting off an unsuspecting person’s finger or jabbing out their eye.
The desk creaks under my fingertips as I support my weight to crouch down and search the drawers. Glancing to the doorway, I hold my breath, waiting to be caught, but the only sound is the muffled pacing behind the closed barriers lining the hall.
I’ve done this plenty of times before without a problem. I can do it now.
Sitting back on my heels, I push a strand of my hair back into the cap. They’re not idiots here, I’ve learned that, but they also don’t suspect anyone to go snooping under their noses. Where could it be?
Pulling out a drawer on the opposite side, I find it empty compared to the others, with no files or wrappers, just the grainy wood lining the bottom. Bingo. Gliding my fingers along the back, I feel a splintered piece, giving just enough room for me to raise it. It pops, unclasping from whatever barrier that was holding it back, exposing files without labels and a thin metal rectangle with a barcode filling the space.
Shutting the opening with ease, I survey the room, making sure I don’t leave a thing out of place. It is easier to breathe, but there is still a constriction around my chest that makes it difficult for me to think properly. I wish it would just go away.
Leaning against the wall, I peek into the hall, checking for moving bodies only to find it empty, allowing me to keep my steps steady. I wouldn’t be able to forget how many spaces the door of my destination was if I wanted to. It'll forever haunt me knowing it was the spot where any dreams I had left, died. Pressing the small card to the scan bar, I wait for the click and a little green dot to appear.
My skin itches as I rush into the room, but I keep my composure slowly closing the barrier behind me. It’s not hard to see the full extent of the small room. Yet I don’t see her.
Something’s off instincts send blaring alarms in my head, warning me of danger. Snapping my head to the side, my fingers catch in the space left by Karma's arm wrapping around my neck, providing some sort of boundary, but my windpipe feels crushed, unable to allow a full breath of air.
“If it isn’t the little traitor,” Karma breathes into my ear, “I knew you’d come to see me.”
She tightens her grip, giving me little time to process how she dips her fingers into my pocket, pulling the key out. I feel scrambled, where I typically feel the adrenaline. When the hell did she learn this?
I need to think. She releases me, shoving my back which forces me to stumble forwards. Finding my footing, I turn, pinning my arm to her neck, pushing her against the wall tight enough she claws at my forearm, trying to push me off. Her face turns as red as her hair, with a cruel smirk stretching her lips. She’s gone fucking insane. She knows what I can do.
“Oh, don’t be like this, Cordi. It’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” She rasps, tilting her head up, trying to pull in a full breath. A snarl curls my lips. That ridiculous nickname.
“What the fuck is your problem? I was coming to get you.” I spit the words, pulling my arm enough to let her catch a breath, only to push it back again tighter.
“I’m not leaving until he’s dead, and this place is burned to the ground. Unlike you, I complete my operations.”
A shallow gasp punctuates each word. I push my knee into her thigh, rendering her immobile. This is my teammate, the woman who’s been in my ear since my first op, never steering me in the wrong direction, watching my back every time. My head pounds, blurring my vision as if I’m the one being starved for air.
I don’t know her.
The voices in my head are too loud, making me drop my hold and stumble back.
“I always accomplish my assignments...” I say to myself more than her, trying to remember the person I once was. Where I came from. Everything still feels so jumbled, playing in my head like abstract artwork, morphing familiar faces with monsters.
“Good, because if you don’t...” she pauses, forcing me to look at her cold gray eyes. Her hand is rubbing along her neck, using the other to flip the key between her fingers in a steady motion. “I’ll just do it myself.”
I don’t doubt it. She’s not the nerd I confided my deepest secrets or darkest fears into. Her shoulders shrug nonchalantly, letting a heavy, exaggerated sigh fall between us.
“Maybe before I put a bullet in his head, I can test out the product. It’s gotta be good if it got the perfect little soldier to turn.”
Tension bunches in my muscles, making my bones ache from the suffocating feeling. Acid burns my tongue at the thought. As if I’d ever let her touch him. This is my mission.
Breathe Sharkie.
Keeping my line of sight on her, I head towards the door, motioning at the scanner.
“I’ll handle it. I need to leave though so he doesn’t suspect anything.” I state calmly, making her shoot a wary look. She slaps the card to the reader, quickly jerking it away. I nod.
“Just stay here for a little while, no need to raise alarms.” I continue to speak, finding my footing.