“I’m sorry, love, but I have to go handle something.”
I’ve only ever said the endearment when I’ve had her screaming my name, but something in me is saying that it needs to come out more often than just sex. She looks shocked, which only makes me smile because she’s not using that smart ass mouth of hers to say anything else.
Kissing her cheek, I relish in the way she shoves at my chest lightly like she’s trying to convince herself she’s trying to push me away. I get dressed as calmly as I can. Just like a shark smells blood, she can smell trouble a mile away. She shifts on her feet looking at me with a cautious eye.
“Since I have something to do, that means Moe will need someone else out there with him.” I say the words slowly, but before I can gauge her reaction, she’s already grabbing fresh clothes and sprinting into the bathroom. After I figure out what the hell’s happening, I’m absolutely going to have her put my shirt back on just so I can take it back off myself. I’m halfway out the door when I hear her speak again.
“By the time I’m done with him, he’s going to kick your ass.”
It’s always the last word with her but this time I'll let her have it because I believe she'll teach him right. Anyone who can knock me on my knees is more than qualified.
I take my usual route to find Sam. There’s no use in texting him right now. It’d be better to see him face to face, but in every spot, I look he’s missing. It’s not like him to be off his schedule, which only makes me panic more. I’m so focused, glancing in each room I pass that I almost don’t notice the body colliding with mine. I’m already irritated enough that I’m about ready to yell until I see Moe looking up at me with a pale face.
“Sorry– uh, Sam, he sent me.” Moe mumbles, willing himself not to look in my direction. I smooth my shirt, thrumming my fingers against the buttons, trying to unset my jaw as I wait for him to continue.
“He’s in the cellars.”
“Sharkie is training this morning, go to the grounds.” I call out in hopes it’ll distract him from whatever the hell is happening. I’m still not ready for him to see the world.
What the fuck is happening on my base? Each thump of my boots booms louder than the last against the concrete. Soldiers duck their heads and dodge out of the way of my warpath.
Incoherent mumbling and shouting are coming from the mess hall, just like every normal day. The temperature changes. He shouldn’t be in the cellars. Ever since my little siren came along, Bay has been quiet. Too quiet. It feels like the twilight zone. Unnatural and unraveling. Once I spot Sam, he’s standing outside a cell, staring at the ceiling with a busted lip and bags under his eyes. Great, now I’m sure I’m walking into fucked up territory and that’s the last thing I needed to see.
“Sam!” I bark, pulling him out of his head to look at me. I don’t need him to speak when his face says it all. It’s been days since we sent out the files and photos. We never got a response. I figured it was a win since no news outlet had broadcasted Dutton and no one attempted to hack any of our databases.
“When I was deleting the footage, I noticed something.” He mumbles while nodding at the door behind him, so I waste no time throwing it open. I’m genuinely confused until it clicks–red wisps of hair passing me in the hall. I should’ve never been so careless, because everything I’ve been working for, protecting is so close to tumbling down and sinking.
“Your security measures are shit.” Hearing the feminine voice shouldn’t startle me, but it does. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my shoulders and glance back at Sam.
“As soon as I caught wind, I brought her down here. I didn’t know what else to do.” He says, I don’t blame him because honestly now I don’t even know what to do. This could go one of two ways, and it was my fault, but now I need to live with it and finish what I started. I just didn’t expect them to send her… this puts more complications into my life.
“Did you enjoy the papers the other day?” I question, placing my hands behind my back. Calm, cool, collected. I need to keep myself leveled. “I’m sure that’s why you’re here. Although I will say it’s a pity they sent you. I read something interesting about your background not too long ago. Funny, they still trust you.”
“Does she know?” Karma questions, completely blowing past any jab, turning towards me. I can feel my muscles tense.
“That you're the reason?” I step towards her as I speak. Sam steps behind me. Instead of acting intimidated, she just smiles. The sight alone unsettles me. It's not like the cocky smirk my siren holds. No. It's the type of grin that holds no fear, it only creates it, as if she knows that by the end, she'll be the one winning this war. It's the smile of a psychopath.
“So, she doesn’t know the picture you planted in our papers or the very clever headline and article that went with it. I have to hand it to you. It was dirty but very well played. The ending was quite touching.” My heart rate skyrockets as she keeps going. Something’s not right. I think anyone can see that or at least feel it, and I don’t think it’s just because I have her trapped in a cell.
“You can easily get rid of digital but not paper, who’s idea was that?” She continues like I don’t already know what I did.
“I don’t suppose it matters. No one reads the print anymore, anyway.” She waves her hand dismissively, her smile growing even wider. “I can’t wait until she hears how you tried to turn everyone against the one thing her parents fought for, or how you used her maimed image to bring her name to light, what was that little line you put?” Her tongue clicks as she shakes her head. I rush towards her, only to be caught by Sam’s hand. She doesn’t deserve to act like I’m the only one in the wrong. I turn to glare at him, but he’s focused on the doorway, surely watching for anyone who might witness me beat the living shit out of a woman. My mother always said never to hit one unless on the battlefield. But I would rip through this one.
“That’s right, ‘Cordelia Halloway, true heir to Bay has turned against its corrupted dictator.’ Right? Or am I saying it wrong?”
I could’ve said worse. I could’ve plastered intel and photographs of Bay and their doings without a single word. Honestly, what I did was tame compared to everything they’ve done. I shake my head, jerking my arm from Sam. It doesn’t fucking matter, what does is I need this woman out of my base before anyone else sees her.
“There could’ve been more added. Relationships can ruin a corporation if one has a bad rap, can’t they? Don't even get me started on torture tactics.” I grin through my words. My steps are steady, one thump behind another. She’ll pay for what she’s done.
“Tide.” Sam whispers, but I’m too lost in the small snarl that curls Karma's mouth as I flick my gaze to her brow and slowly drag it down her body. I can fix what was broken. One person at a time. My brows furrow as her snarl turns into a grin and she relaxes her muscles. Her play is one of power.
“So that’s why you used her image? Was it to give Bay a bad rap all because she is Jim and Cassie’s daughter? Dutton was right. Your task force thrives off manipulation, doesn’t it?”
I let out a laugh tilting back my head, but it cuts off when Karma’s features soften, and she shakes her head.
I’m going to fucking kill her.
“You tell me, Karma.”