“Whatever ya say Cas’.”
What does a woman have to do to get a little sleep around here? Doesn’t anyone realize the shit I’ve dealt with in less than twenty-four hours? I let out a huff, pushing against Caspian’s chest harder than necessary to sit up. The light emanating from floor lamps in each corner is dim, shining off the mahogany wood furniture in the room. It smells like fresh cigar smoke, stronger than what I typically smell on Tide’s clothes. I wince as I turn my neck, and the bandage pulls at my skin.
“I thought we agreed on bath and wine.” I mumble, placing my free hand against the edge of the desk in an attempt to push the seat back so I can stand. My nose scrunches when his feet plant into the floor, willing us to remain still.
I might have to kill him after all.
“Hell, that sounds like a good time! Can I join?”
I feel like I’m in the twilight zone, Moe shouldn’t be so happy. Surely adrenaline is still high, it was his first kill after all. I guess it doesn’t matter whose body it was.
“No.” Caspian wraps his arm around my waist, making a blush crawl up my neck. It’s too intimate for us. Too fast. I am still processing everything that has been said and done. He reaches around, tapping the yellow file placed neatly in the middle of his desk. Moe and Tide continue to bicker, but it’s muffled as I drift my finger along the edge, focusing on the big bold red letters stamped on the front.
I dip my thumb into the folder, slowly flipping the cover like whatever’s inside could jump out and bite me. What looks to be a contract sits on top. With each paper I pull from the clip the clearer the message becomes. Caspian gently squeezes my waist, preventing my heart from flying out of my chest. It’s everything I thought I was fighting for with a few added aspects.
His breath brushes against my ear and shifts our bodies so he can look over my shoulder.
“It’s just a rough draft. Change whatever you want, and I’ll look it over to see if we can make it work.”
Landing on the last page I can't help but grin.
By signing you agree to stay, and I Caspian Lyle Madden agree to fulfill my end of the contract.
“Can I pick the name?” Moe chimes, with a smile that crinkles his eyes.
I delicately trace the ink embedding the white sheet with my finger. Two factions become one to achieve the same goal. No more war. Just the dedication to building the world back to what it once was and preventing other factions from making the same mistakes we’ve dealt with before.
“I think I love you.” I whisper in awe, gathering my bearings to reach a pen and start adding my key points and stipulations. His body tenses, pausing a moment before rough lips touch my temple, but I can’t focus on the gesture. I'm too engrossed in my new role with my lip firmly tucked between my teeth.
“I know I love you.”
“Gross. Anyway, are you two gonna let me pick the name?” Moe plants his hands on the desk drawing my attention to the movement. I don’t have to look at Tide to know he is wearing the same raised brow as myself while Moe does his best attempt at a stern expression. Look who’s the big man on base now.
Caspian reaches for the file attempting to pull it from my grasp. I swear I’ll bite him.
“We can talk about it over–” he grunts, successfully yanking it from my grasp. “-dinner.”
That was unfair. He put a bone in front of a dog and just snatched it away. If he thinks we are back to ‘normal’, he can kiss it goodbye. I knock my bare heel into his shin, so he jerks the chair back enough I stand. Moes sprints out the door and Caspian calls out behind him in a voice that booms off the fine interior of the office.
“We leave in an hour!”
With an aggravated sigh, I throw the pen down on the desk. He catches my wrist, twisting me until I’m standing between his spread legs.
Date: 5-17-2024
Time: 1732
She’s so fucking beautiful, even when she’s a pissed mess.
Keeping one hand on her waist, I open a drawer and pull out a cigar. She hasn’t signed yet but she doesn't have to. We both know I’m not letting her leave. Placing it between my lips, I nod at the lighter on the desk expectantly. Her eyes narrow and I smile around the roll of tobacco. I had planned for the combination contract to be a simple proposal to pull Dutton out and put Cordelia in her proper place long before everything went up and flames. With the way things unraveled, I’d say it was a good thing that I waited and formed a solid foundation before I handed her the idea.
She flicks the tube, and a flame illuminates her eyes as she brings it to my mouth. I don’t like smoking around the ones I love but I want her to see all of me.
“I’m hurt that you’re so angry with me, little siren.” I murmur. She rolls her eyes, leaning back against the desk as she tosses the lighter back onto the wood with a little more force than I expected. Wrong choice.
Lifting her by her waist, I set her on the edge with a low growl. She may be a little beaten, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still bring her pleasure, maybe with a bit of innocent punishment. Adrenalin can do strange things to a man. Luckily, I have the right woman this time.