Page 38 of Blazing Joysticks

“You are brilliant,” he said, each word deliberate and filled with conviction. “You’ve thought of every possible scenario, tested and retested until I was ready to tear my hair out.” His lips quirked in a small smile that made her heart flutter. “The Phoenix Protocol is rock solid because you designed it.”

Warmth bloomed in Cat’s chest, pushing back against the icy tendrils of doubt. “But what if?—”

“No what-ifs,” Keir interrupted, his grip on her hand tightening. “You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Remember how you cracked that supposedly unbreakable encryption last month? Or how you rewrote half the AI’s core programming in a weekend to patch that security flaw?”

A ghost of a smile played on Cat’s lips as the memories surfaced. The rush of solving seemingly impossible problems, the thrill of pushing her skills to their limits—it all came flooding back.

“That’s the Cat Reeves I know,” Keir continued, his voice low and intense. “The same brilliant mind that’s going to make this launch a massive success.”

Cat took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension drain from her body. She straightened her shoulders, meeting Keir’s gaze with renewed determination. “You’re right. We’ve prepared for every contingency. The protocol is solid.”

“Damn right, it is,” Keir grinned, tugging her gently to her feet. “Now, how about we grab some dinner? You need fuel for that big brain of yours.”

Cat laughed, the sound dispelling the last of the oppressive atmosphere. “As long as it’s not more takeout. I think I’ve consumed enough MSG this month to qualify as a walking science experiment.”

As they made their way out of the office, Cat caught sight of her reflection in a glass partition. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her—confident, accomplished, valued. It was a far cry from the shy, socially anxious programmer she’d been just months ago.

Working with Keir and the team at Sharpe Drakon Games had pushed her out of her comfort zone in ways she never thought possible. She’d found a place where her skills were not just appreciated, but celebrated. Where her ideas were heard and implemented. Where she felt like she truly belonged.

Over dinner at a cozy Italian restaurant, Cat allowed herself to relax, savoring both the food and Keir’s company. They discussed the upcoming launch, but also shared lighter moments—debating the merits of various anime series and playfully arguing over the best classic video game soundtracks.

As they walked back to Keir’s penthouse, hand in hand, Cat felt a sense of calm settle over her. Whatever challenges the launch might bring, she knew she wouldn’t face them alone.

Later that evening, Cat was curled up on the couch, idly scrolling through her phone when it buzzed with an incoming call. Laura’s name flashed on the screen, accompanied by a photo of her sister-in-law smiling with baby Ayers.

“Cat?” Laura’s voice was tinged with barely contained panic. “I hate to ask this last minute, but is there any chance you could watch Ayers tonight? Michael got called into emergency surgery, and I had a dinner meeting with my co-chair for the March of Dimes.”

Cat glanced at the clock, noting the late hour. A twinge of guilt hit her as she realized how long it had been since she’d seen her nephew. “Of course, I’d be happy to. How soon do you need me there?”

“As soon as possible,” Laura said, relief evident in her voice. “You’re a lifesaver, Cat. Ayers is already asleep, so it should be an easy night.”

“No problem at all,” Cat assured her, already moving to gather her things. “I’ll head over right away.”

After ending the call, Cat quickly explained the situation to Keir, who was in the middle of an overseas video conference.

“Can you wait for me?” he asked, covering the microphone.

“I’ll be fine.”

He hesitated for a moment. “I’m not gonna be much longer.”

“Keir! I’m going from our place to theirs.”

He sighed. “Go ahead. I’ll join you as soon as I wrap this up. It shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

Cat nodded, grabbing her purse and the car keys. She pressed a quick kiss to Keir’s cheek before heading out, her mind already shifting gears from work mode to aunt mode.

The drive to Michael and Laura’s penthouse was quick at this hour, the city streets unusually quiet. As Cat made her way up to their floor, using the code Laura had sent to access the private elevator, a strange prickle of unease ran down her spine.

She shook it off, attributing the feeling to leftover nerves from the day’s work stress. Using her spare key, Cat quietly entered the penthouse. The stillness inside was almost eerie, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioning.

Cat made her way to Ayers’ room, her footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. She peeked into the nursery, her heart melting at the sight of her nephew sleeping peacefully in his crib. His tiny chest rose and fell with each breath, one chubby fist curled near his face.

Unable to resist, Cat carefully lifted Ayers into her arms, wanting to savor a few moments of cuddles before putting him back down. As she held him close, inhaling that sweet baby scent, the sharp chime of the doorbell shattered the quiet.

Cat froze, her body tensing instinctively. Who would be stopping by this late? Laura and Michael both had keys, and she doubted any of their friends would drop in unannounced at this hour, especially with a baby in the house.

Shifting Ayers to one arm, Cat made her way to the security panel near the front door, her heart beginning to race. She pulled up the camera feed, her blood running cold at the sight of two unfamiliar men standing outside.