Page 15 of Unbearable Player

Taking a deep breath, Reid dialed Brianne’s number. As the phone rang, he found himself oddly nervous. Pull it together, Parker.

But even as he thought it, he was lying to himself. Somewhere between their first meeting, the kiss, and now, Brianne had become important. And when his bear claimed her as his mate, there was no turning from that. The fierce protectiveness he felt, the way his bear stirred restlessly at the thought of her in danger... it all pointed to one inescapable conclusion. She was his. His one.

Brianne answered on the third ring, her voice sending a jolt through him. “Reid? Please tell me you have good news.”

“I’ve got a lead,” he said, his voice steadier than he felt. “How quickly can you get to my office? We’ve got a lot to discuss before tomorrow.”

As he hung up, Reid leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes briefly. He’d faced down corporate raiders, rival shifter packs, and countless security threats. But somehow, none of that had prepared him for Hurricane Brianne.

With a wry smile, Reid stood, straightening his tie. Time to face the music - and the woman who was quickly becoming the most important person in his life, whether he was ready to admit it or not.

The hunt for The Glitchers was on, and Reid Parker was determined to win. Not just for the sake of the case, but for Brianne.


Brianne stepped into Reid’s office, her heart doing a little flip as she caught sight of him behind his imposing desk. The floor-to-ceiling windows framed the New York skyline behind him, making him look like a corporate superhero. She stifled a grin at the thought.

“Brianne,” Reid greeted. “Thank you for coming. I have some information about The Glitchers.”

“Hit me with it, Mr. Security Expert,” Brianne said, plopping down in the chair across from him. “What nefarious deeds have our digital ne’er-do-wells been up to?”

Reid’s lips twitched, almost smiling. “They’ve been spotted frequenting a hacker den in Brooklyn. It’s our best lead so far.”

Brianne leaned forward, her eyes widening. “A real-life hacker den? Like in the movies? Please tell me there are neon lights and people dramatically typing while shouting ‘I’m in!’”

“I... don’t think it’s quite like that,” Reid said, his brow furrowing. “But it is our best chance at finding your prototype.”

The conviction in his voice made Brianne’s breath catch. For a wild moment, she wanted to leap across the desk and kiss him senseless. The memory of their kiss after he saved her life flashed through her mind, sending a warmth spreading through her chest.

Clearing her throat, Brianne tried to focus. “Well, with you on the case, how can I doubt it? You’re like the James Bond of cybersecurity. Just... you know, with less martinis and more firewalls.”

Reid chuckled, a sound that did funny things to Brianne’s insides. “I’ve been cooped up in this office all day,” he said, standing. “How about we continue this over lunch? I could use a walk.”

“Lunch sounds great,” Brianne agreed, perhaps a bit too eagerly. “I know a great pizza place nearby, if you’re interested.”

They strolled through the park, the summer sun warming their skin. Brianne found herself relaxing, her earlier nerves melting away.

“So,” she said, bumping her shoulder against Reid’s arm playfully, “what’s the Reid Parker origin story? How does one become a bear-shifting security mogul?”

Reid’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. “It’s not as exciting as you might think. Grew up in Savannah, moved to New York for business school, took over the family security firm when my father passed away.”

“I’m sorry about your dad,” Brianne said softly.

Reid nodded, his expression softening. “Thank you. It was tough, but it brought our family closer together. My mother... well, she’s a force of nature. Took on running the sleuth while helping me transition into leadership.”

“Sounds like quite a woman,” Brianne grinned. “I’d love to meet her someday.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Reid warned, but his tone was light. “She’d probably have us married off before dessert.”

Brianne laughed, ignoring the little flutter in her stomach at the idea. “Oh, she and my mom would get along famously then. Martha Ellis, professional meddler and aspiring grandmother.”

They reached the pizza place, grabbed slices to go, and headed back to the park. Finding a bench, they sat to eat.

“So, pizza, huh?” Reid asked, eyeing his slice appreciatively. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a pizza aficionado.”

Brianne took a big bite, sighing contentedly. “It’s my second favorite food, right after donuts. I’m a woman of refined tastes, I’ll have you know.”

“Clearly.” Reid chuckled. “Any other deep, dark secrets I should know about? Secret talent for yodeling? Closet stamp collector?”