“Yeah, I’ve been busy with classes.” I look over at Kenzie. “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”

“Andrea invited me.” Her eyes drop to the cup she’s holding and she runs her finger along the top of it. “Since someone else didn’t bother to even tell me about it.”

“I didn’t think you’d want to come,” I say.

“And why is that?” Her eyes go to mine. “You think I’d rather sit home alone?”

Dan points his finger between Kenzie and me. “Are you two, um, together?”

“No,” Kenzie says emphatically. “We’re definitely not together, are we, Jace?”

“It’s complicated,” I say, keeping my eyes on hers.

“I think I should let you two talk,” Dan says. “I’m gonna go get some more beer.”

“No, wait!” Kenzie says, but he’s already gone, heading to the keg on the other side of the room. “Thanks a lot,” Kenzie says to me. “I actually liked him.”

“You just met him. You know nothing about him.”

“I know he likes me and wants to date me, which is the whole reason I’m here. And now you ruined it.”

“How did I ruin it?” I say, folding my arms over my chest.

“Dan asked me out, but now he thinks there’s something going on with us. He’s not going to go out with me now.”

“You really want to go out with him? Fine. I’ll talk to him so you can go on your stupid date.”

I’m angry, but I shouldn’t be. She found someone. I should be happy for her. Why the hell can’t I be happy for her?

“Stupid date?” She puts her hand on her hip. “Why is it stupid? Because you don’t like him?”

“Forget it. I shouldn’t have said it. Go out with Dan if that’s really what you want.” I walk away.

Kenzie grabs my arm, stopping me. “Why are you being this way?”

“Being what way?”

“Acting like you don’t want me dating someone when you keep telling me it’s what I need to do.”

I turn to her, angry and frustrated and not able to hide it. “I don’t know, Kenzie. Maybe because I care about you and don’t want you getting hurt again.”

“I don’t want that either, but it’s the risk you take when dating someone. And I’m cutting that risk by not letting it get serious.”

“You really think you can do that? Date someone without getting your feelings involved?”

“Yeah. Why couldn’t I?”

“I know you, Kenzie, and I know you have a big heart that can’t just be shut off when you tell it to.”

“You don’t know that. You think you know me, but you really don’t. If you did, you’d know that—”

She’s interrupted by some girls who bump into us as they make their way through the crowd. Kenzie starts talking again right as someone turns the music up.

“It’s too loud,” I tell her. “We’ll talk later. When we get home.”

“Hey, Jace,” I hear a girl say. I look over and see Rhea beside me.

“Hey, how’s it going?”