That afternoon, while I’m working on a paper, Andrea calls. She’s one of those sometimes friends. Sometimes you hear from her, sometimes you don’t. I like her, and we have fun when we go out, but then she gets busy and I don’t hear from her for days and she doesn’t return my texts. Jace said she’s like that with everyone and not to take it personally.

“Hey, Andrea.”

“Party tonight. You’re going. Wear something hot.”

I set my laptop down. “What party?”

“It’s off campus. At Austin’s house. He’s on the football team. He has the best parties. You have to come.”

“You say every party is the best party.”

“Maybe, but Austin really does have good parties. He has a ton of friends. The place will be packed with hot guys. The whole football team will be there, and I know how you like athletes.”

“I never said that.”

“You like Jace, and he’s an athlete.”

“But I’m not dating him.”

“Which nobody gets, but that’s beside the point. You want me to stop over and help you pick out something to wear? Or you could wear something of mine if you want.”

“I’m sure I have something that’ll work. Wait, I’m not going. I have to finish a paper.”

“You can work on it tomorrow. I’m not taking no for an answer. You keep saying you want to date, but then every weekend you hang out with Jace. It’s time to get out there and find someone, even if it’s just for a night.”

“I had a date.”

“You did? When?”

“Yesterday. We went for coffee.”

“And how’d it go?”

“Not good. He was still hung up on his ex.”

“Then we’ll find you someone else.”

“I don’t know, Andrea. I’m not sure I want to go out tonight.”

“Why? You don’t have plans with Jace.”

“How do you know we don’t have plans?”

“Because he’s going to Austin’s party.”

He is? Why didn’t he tell me? Jace and I always hang out together Saturday night so it’s odd he wouldn’t mention he had plans tonight.

“I’m surprised Jace didn’t tell you about it,” Andrea says.

“Maybe he doesn’t want me there.”

“Why wouldn’t he want you there? Are you guys fighting?”

“No, but he didn’t tell me about it, so maybe that means he doesn’t want me there.”

“He probably doesn’t want you going because he doesn’t want other guys asking you out, which he knows will happen when you show up there in a really hot dress. You’re gonna have guys all over you. It’s gonna drive Jace crazy.” She laughs.

“Why would it drive him crazy? I’m not his girlfriend. I’m just his roommate.”