“I don’t think so either.” I get up, holding my hand out. “Nice meeting you, Neal. Good luck.”
“Thanks.” He stands up, but instead of shaking my hand, he gives me another hug. “You’re a nice person, Kenzie. You’re going to make some guy really happy.”
If only that guy was Jace. I thought I made him happy, and maybe I do, but he still doesn’t want to date me.
On the way home, I try to figure out what to say to Jace when I see him. But when I get to the house, I find a note saying he’s working all night at a youth sleepover event at the gym.
I guess we won’t be able to talk until tomorrow. Maybe I should just pretend last night didn’t happen. And this morning. I can’t believe he saw me naked! I should’ve locked the door, but I thought he was at class.
It’s Friday, and I have no plans for tonight. I should be on a date, or at a party meeting guys. But I don’t feel like doing either of those things. I’m too hung up on Jace to be with someone else, and Jace and I never even dated! Maybe if I found a guy I really liked, Jace would no longer be an issue. But I’m not going to find that guy sitting at home. I need to go out, but not tonight. It’s been a long week and I’m tired.
After dinner, I find a show to binge watch and end up falling asleep. I wake up to the sound of someone at the door. They’re messing with the handle, trying to open it. Is it Jace? Did he forget his key?
I get up and go to the door. “Jace, is that you?”
There’s no answer, but the person outside the door continues to jiggle the handle. Who the hell is out there?
The door doesn’t have a peephole so I move to the window and peek through the blinds. I can only see part of whoever is there. I think it’s a guy, but I can’t see his face.
He bangs on the door, so hard I stumble back.
“Who is it?” I yell.
He doesn’t respond, but he bangs on the door again, then jiggles the handle.
Oh God, he’s trying to break in!
Getting out my phone, I call the police, my hand shaking.
“Someone’s trying to break into my house!” I say, backing away from the door. I have to feel my way around because the house is dark except for the light from the TV. I don’t want the guy knowing I’m in here, so I’m keeping the lights off.
“We’re sending someone out,” the woman on the phone says after I give her the address.
I make my way to the kitchen and search for a weapon. I grab the infomercial fry pan. It weighs a ton and could easily knock the guy out if he gets inside.
By the time the police arrive, I’m a nervous wreck, my body shaking, my hands gripping the handle of the fry pan so tight I can barely feel my fingers.
“Miss?” a deep voice says through the door. “This is the police. We apprehended the man and took him away. Could you answer the door, please?”
I race to the door and open it to find the cop standing there.
“I’m Officer Stiles.” He shows me his badge. “The man at your door was just a drunk college kid. He got lost and thought he lived here.”
“Are you sure? Because he didn’t say anything when I asked who he was, and he kept trying really hard to get the door open.”
“He was pretty out of it. I doubt he was alert enough to know you were talking to him.”
“Where is he now?”
“They took him down to the station. He’ll be charged with public intox. Did you have any other concerns?”
“Um, no.” I shudder, still shook up from that guy trying to break in. Drunk or not, it still scared me.
“Then I’m gonna head out,” the cop says.