“Yeah, but it’s only because I haven’t made a lot of friends yet. And I like spending time with him. He’s fun and he makes me laugh, which is exactly what I need right now.”

“So what do you guys do? Just hang out at home or go out?”

“Both. Last night we went to this Mexican restaurant we like. And last weekend he took me to a concert. We went to dinner first, then had drinks later.”

“Okay, hold on. This sounds like you’re dating.”

“We’re not dating. We’re just two people who had our hearts broken at the exact same time. We’re helping each other get through it.”

“By going out to dinner? Having drinks? Going to concerts? That sounds like dating to me.”

“He was supposed to go to the concert with Nikki. He bought the tickets months ago. He didn’t want to bring a date to a concert that was meant for his ex so he brought me instead.”

“Is that what he said?”

“Well, no, but I’m guessing that’s why he asked me instead of some other girl.”

“Or he asked you because he wants to date you and this concert was like a date, even though you’re both saying it wasn’t.”

“It wasn’t a date. There was no hand-holding. No kiss at the end of the night. It was just two friends going out.”

“Did he pay for anything?”

“He paid for dinner, and obviously the concert tickets, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

“It means he sees it as a date.”

“Friends can pay for dinner. I’ve bought you dinner plenty of times and you’ve done the same for me.”

She gets quiet.

“Tori, I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not true. I’m not dating Jace, or even thinking about it.”

“And he feels the same?”


We actually haven’t talked about it, but we both know it’s not a good idea to get involved with each other.

“And you both want to start dating again, right?”

“Yeah. Definitely.”

“How are you going to meet anyone if you’re spending all your time with Jace?”

“I’m not spending all my time with him.”

That’s kind of a lie. If we’re not in class or Jace isn’t working, we’re usually together. And sometimes when he’s at work, I show up and talk to him before my workout. I could go to the gym some other time, but I go when he’s working because I miss him. Tori would say that’s because he’s more than my roommate, which is why I’m not telling her this.

“So who have you gone out with?” she asks.

“I haven’t dated anyone yet, but I will.”

“I can’t believe a guy hasn’t asked you out by now. You used to get asked out all the time back home.”

“It’s not that I haven’t been asked out. I just haven’t wanted to go out with any of the guys who’ve asked.”

“Why? What’s wrong with them?”