Does he really think he has a right to be angry? We broke up. I can date whoever I want.
“He’s my roommate,” I answer.
“This is Liam?” Jace looks at me. “Your ex?”
“Yeah,” I say quietly.
“What did he say to you?” Jace demands, his anger rising.
“It’s none of your damn business,” Liam says. “Now get the hell out of here. We weren’t done talking.”
“We’re done,” I say to Liam. “And I never want to hear from you again.”
“What did he say to you?” Jace asks again.
I choke past my tears. “That he doesn’t love me. And hasn’t for a long time.”
“You bastard!” Jace lunges at Liam and punches him, so hard Liam falls to the ground.
I stand there, shocked, not sure what to do. I’ve never seen anyone punch someone in real life. I thought about punching Liam but never would. I don’t even know how to punch someone. I’d probably do it wrong and break my hand.
But Jace knew what he was doing. He took Liam down with one punch. Because Liam hurt me. And Jace couldn’t stand seeing me hurt.
I love that Jace cares so much about me, but it also makes me sad. It’s sad because a guy I just met cares about me more than Liam ever did.
“Let’s go.” I grab Kenzie’s hand and pull on her to leave. She resists, pausing to look down at Liam who has blood dripping from his nose and a bruise forming on his cheek.
“He hit me!” Liam yells, but the crowd is so loud nobody hears him. “That guy hit me!” he yells again as he tries to get up.
“We gotta get out of here,” I say to Kenzie.
She nods, and I lead her out the exit to the parking lot.
“What’s going on?” she asks. “Why are we leaving?”
“Because this place is really strict about fighting. They’d kick me out and ban me from ever coming back. They might even call the police.”
“Oh.” She chews on her lip. “What about our stuff?”
“I’ll text the guys. One of them will take it back with them. We’ll pick it up later.”
We get to my truck and I open the door for her.
“I’m really sorry about that,” she says as she gets in. “I didn’t mean to get you involved.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. It’s his. He never should’ve said that to you.”
I close her door, harder than usual because I’m so damn pissed. Like it’s not enough she caught the asshole doing it with another girl? He has to tell her he doesn’t love her, and hasn’t for a long time? Who the hell does that?
I get in the driver’s side and call Troy as I start up the engine.
“Hey, what’s up?” he answers.
“Kenzie and I had to leave. Would you mind taking our stuff back to your place? I’ll pick it up later.”