Why am I telling him all this? He doesn’t want my life story. I should’ve just told him my name. When I get nervous around a guy, I talk too much. I’m surprised I didn’t do that with Jace. Given my attraction to him, I should’ve been nervous around him, but I wasn’t.
“I’m a senior,” Mark says. “I think you’ll like it here. The professors are good and there’s lots of clubs and activities, if you like that type of stuff.”
“Are you in any activities?”
“Yeah. I’m actually student body president.”
“Wow.” I smile. “I’m talking to the president.”
“It’s not a big deal. A buddy of mine talked me into running for office last year. I never thought I’d win. I didn’t even know what the president’s supposed to do.”
“So what’s the answer? What do you do?”
“Go to some meetings. Weigh in on some decisions. That’s about it. I’m actually glad I did it now. Having it on my resume might actually help me get a job. So tell me about yourself. What’s your major?”
“Psychology. I want to be a school counselor.”
“Mine is business. I’ll probably work in marketing, or maybe finance. I haven’t decided yet.”
Some girls bump into me, then a guy bumps into Mark. It’s so crowded, people can’t help but bump into each other.
“You want to move back a little?” Mark asks. “Out of the crowd?”
“I’m actually waiting for a friend to come back. She said she’d just be a minute.”
I stand up on my toes, searching for her.
“I’m here.” Andrea appears behind me. She smiles at Mark. “I see you met a friend.”
“Mark.” He shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“You look familiar,” she says. “Were you in one of my classes?”
“I don’t think so.”
“He’s student body president,” I say. “Maybe that’s how you know him.”
“Maybe, although I don’t pay attention to that stuff. No offense.”
He smiles. “None taken.”
“I hope you don’t mind, but I have to steal Kenzie away. Did you give her your number?”
“Um, no.” He seems flustered by Andrea’s sudden arrival and her insistence that I leave with her. I’m not quite ready to leave. I kind of like this guy.
“Here.” He shows me his phone, which has his number on the screen.
I put it in my phone. “Thanks.”
“Can I have yours?” he asks.
“A girl doesn’t give out her number to a guy she just met,” Andrea says. “Safety reasons. You understand.”
“Yeah, okay.” He gives me a wave. “Call if you’d like to go out sometime.”
“I will.”
He walks off.