“As a joke?” Kenzie asks.
“No. That was her gift. He’s terrible at buying gifts. She mentioned needing a wrench so he got her not just one, but a whole set.”
“To him, that might’ve been romantic.”
“Maybe, but I doubt it. He’s just not a romantic guy. I’m not saying this to give your ex an excuse for how he treated you. I just don’t want you thinking he didn’t love you because he didn’t send flowers. Or chocolates. Or whatever it is you would’ve considered romantic.”
Why the hell am I defending this guy? He doesn’t deserve it, but I hate seeing Kenzie hurting this much. I just met her, but I already care about her. Maybe a little too much.
“He said he couldn’t deal with us being apart.” I pause, my gaze going to the floor. “That was the excuse Liam gave me for why he cheated. I felt like he was blaming me. Like it was my fault because I’m the one who stayed home to go to community college. But it’s not because I wanted to. It’s because I couldn’t afford four years here. Liam said he understood. He said we’d make it work.”
“He has no right to blame you,” Jace says. “He cheated because he’s a selfish bastard who was only thinking about himself. Let me guess, did he use some line about how guys have needs and those needs have to be met?”
“He didn’t use those exact words, but yeah, that’s basically what he said.”
“That’s bullshit. I mean, sure guys have needs but so do girls. And you didn’t cheat.”
“He doesn’t think that way. He thinks it’s different for guys.”
“But you know that’s bullshit, right? You know he was just saying that to try to defend what he did, blaming it on you so he wouldn’t have to take responsibility.”
“I guess.”
Jace puts his hand on my shoulder. “Kenzie, look at me.” When I do, he says, “Do not for one second blame yourself for this. That’s what he wants you to do, but don’t fall for it. Because I’m telling you, he cheated because he’s a selfish asshole who isn’t capable of caring about someone else. It has nothing to do with you going to community college. If he didn’t like having a long distance relationship, he could’ve ended it a long time ago.”
“Then why didn’t he? Why didn’t he at least end it before he started dating someone else?”
“Who the hell knows? Some guys like having more than one girl. It makes them feel powerful. Feeds their ego. I don’t get it, but I know plenty of guys who do it.”
“Even if what you’re saying about Liam is true, I still feel like my world has ended. Liam was my future, and now he’s gone. The future I thought we’d have together is never going to happen.”
“You wouldn’t have wanted that future. He wasn’t the right guy. He didn’t treat you well and that wasn’t going to change.”
Jace is right. Everything he said is true. Even if part of me doesn’t want to believe it, I need to accept the fact that Liam just wasn’t the right guy for me. I loved him, but he didn’t love me back. Not the way he should have.
“It still hurts,” I say.
“I know.” Jace sighs. “Believe me, I know.”
He puts his arm up behind me, and without even thinking, I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. He runs his hand up and down my arm and then holds it there, gently squeezing me to his side.
“It’s going to be okay. It doesn’t seem like it now, for either of us, but I swear, it’ll get better.”
I bring my legs up on the couch, hugging my knees, then move closer to Jace, resting my body against his, my head still on his shoulder. His arm remains around me and we stay like that, not saying anything.
She didn’t deserve him. I don’t know Jace’s ex-girlfriend, and will probably never meet her, but she didn’t deserve a guy like Jace. How could she cheat on him? He’s kind, funny, caring, and was still doing romantic things for her, even after dating her for two years. And he’s hot. Extremely hot. When he came out here not wearing a shirt? I couldn’t believe he was that ripped. I’ve never seen abs like his—an eight pack—and those muscles that make a V down to… the area I shouldn’t be thinking about.
I’m really trying to turn off my attraction to him but it’s not working. And seeing his muscular chest and those abs and that V definitely didn’t help matters. Why does he have to be so damn hot? And super nice, and fun to hang out with? And smell good?
I can still smell his cologne. He must’ve put a lot on for his night of romance that never happened. Damn, he smells good.
“You asleep?” he whispers after a half hour has passed.
“No.” I sit up slightly. “Sorry. I’ll give you some space.”