“She needed a place to live,” I say, “and I needed a roommate.”
Dax looks at us both. “How’d you find each other?”
“I was sitting on his steps,” Kenzie answers. “I didn’t know anyone was home.”
“I came outside and saw her,” I say. “She said she needed a place to live so I asked if she wanted to live here.”
“You’re a freshman?” Dax asks.
“Junior. I did my first two years at community college.”
“What happened to your housing? Dorm mix-up?”
“She doesn’t want to talk about it,” I say.
“I should go finish putting stuff away.” She walks off, then turns back. “Nice meeting you, Dax.”
“You too.” He waits for her to go in her room and shut the door, then says, “What the hell?”
“You’re letting a girl live here?”
“She needed a place to stay.”
“Yeah, but are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“A guy and a girl living together? Shit’s gonna happen. And when it doesn’t work out, she’ll be without a place to live.”
“It’s not like that. She’s my roommate. I’m not dating her.”
“And you don’t think you and her will become more than roommates? Seriously?”
“I can live with a girl without dating her.”
“I think you’re fucking delusional. Unless she has a boyfriend. Is she seeing someone?”
“She was, but she just broke up with him. That’s why she was on my porch steps. She found him cheating on her.”
“No shit? On the same day you found—” He stops himself before mentioning Nikki. “Do you know anything else about her?”
“Not really, but she seems normal so I’m not worried about living with her.”
“Even if you don’t hook up with her, having her here is going to ruin your chances with other girls.”
“First of all, I don’t want other girls, not right now. And second, why would they care if I have a girl for a roommate? A lot of guys do.”
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“It’s not your decision so it doesn’t really matter what you think.”
“You’re not doing this to make Nikki jealous, are you?”
“No. I hadn’t even considered that. Why would she be jealous? She has someone else now.”
“Yeah, but she’s the type of girl who wouldn’t want you with anyone else, even if she’s not dating you.”