Page 114 of Accidental Roommates


As we were talking, the sky clouded up and it started to rain. It’s cold out, and the rain’s making it feel even colder. I don’t want to go home yet, but I don’t want to get soaked either.

I turn around and head back to the house. The rain slows but the wind picks up. I duck my head down, trying to shield my face from it.

“Kenzie?” I hear a girl say.

I look up and see Maddie coming toward me, bundled up in a pink coat and white knitted scarf, her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. She has a big smile on her face, like she always does. She’s one of those half-glass-full kind of people. Even when things aren’t going well, she has a smile on her face.

Maddie works at a coffee shop close to campus. I don’t go there often, but when I do, Maddie greets me like we’re best friends. She remembers everyone she meets and any details you tell her about yourself. I once mentioned my mom was going hiking in South Africa and the next time I saw Maddie, she asked me how my mom’s hike went, even though it’d been weeks since she saw me.

“Hey, Maddie.” I give her a hug because she’s already hugging me. She’s a hugger. “What are you doing here?”

“I was at a friend’s house. She lives down the street. I’m just walking back to my car.”

“Are you heading home?” I ask, so I can tell Dan.

Maddie doesn’t know I’m friends with Dan, and she’s never mentioned him to me. But we really haven’t talked other than the few minutes it takes for her to make my coffee.

“I think I’ll head over to the mall,” she says. “I don’t feel like going home. My roommate’s gone for the weekend and it’s kind of lonely without her. Hey, what are you doing tonight? Maybe we could do something.”

“Um, I would, but I already have plans.”

“Then maybe some other time. I know we don’t really know each other, but I feel like we could be friends.”

Given how much I know about her from Dan, I feel like I already am friends with her.

“Hey, Jace!” she says.

I look back and see him coming toward us.

“Hey, Maddie.” He glances at me, probably wondering what I’m doing talking to Dan’s ex. I’ve never told Jace I’m dating Dan, but I think he assumes I am. He knows Dan and I went on a date, but I never mentioned Dan again after that night. Then again, Jace and I haven’t talked much the past few weeks. He hasn’t been home, probably because he’s out with Nikki.

“Are you going somewhere?” I ask him.

“Work just called. One of the guys didn’t show up so I offered to cover his shift. What are you up to tonight?”

I shrug. “Not sure.”

“You just said you have plans,” Maddie says with a frown.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot. I’m going out with friends. Nothing too exciting.”

“Would you mind if I tag along?” Maddie asks.

Seriously, why is this happening? I never run into Maddie, and the one time I do, she wants to hang out? On the same night Dan wants to finally tell her how he feels?

“Um, let me text my friend to make sure we have room in the car.”

“Couldn’t she just drive herself?” Jace says.

That’s just great. Now Jace is getting involved. I’ve gotta stop this.

I quickly text Dan. Ran into Maddie. She wants to hang out with me tonight. Won’t take no for an answer. Call her! Now!

“What’d she say?” Maddie asks.

“I’m still waiting.”