“Yeah, right. Having your heart broken by Liam didn’t affect you at all.”
I sigh. “Okay, fine, I’m afraid of being hurt again. But everyone is. It’s normal.”
“So you’re going to let fear get in the way of being with a guy who’s perfect for you?”
“How would I know if Jace is perfect for me? We’ve never dated.”
“Because you know what kind of person he is. You know the real Jace, and it’s all you’ve ever known. Unlike most relationships where people start out trying to impress the other person, doing things they’d normally never do, you and Jace started out as friends. You weren’t putting on an act or pretending to be someone else.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s perfect for me.”
Dan lets out an exasperated sigh. “Okay, I need to explain this a different way because you’re clearly not getting it.”
“Hey!” I smack his arm. “I’m not stupid because I don’t agree with you.”
“No, you’re stupid because you’re about to give up on the guy you should be with.”
I roll my eyes. “And you’re saying I should be with him why exactly?”
“Because the best relationships start out as friendships. And Jace isn’t just a casual friend. He’s the friend you go to when you need someone. The person you count on to always be there.”
“That’s not always going to be true. He’ll graduate and move away. Meet other people. Move on.”
“Only if you let him. If you really want to be with Jace, you need to tell him how you feel. You still have a chance with him. It’s not too late. You’ve told me that a million times when we talk about Maddie, and yet you won’t take the advice yourself.”
“Because I don’t trust how I feel. My head’s still messed up from Liam. How do I know what I’m feeling for Jace is real and I’m not just seeing what I want to see, like I did with Liam?”
“That’s easy. Just look at the past.”
“What do you mean?”
“From what you’ve told me, it sounds like Liam never did anything to show you that he loved you. He just said he did.”
“And I believed him.”
“That was your mistake. Without action, his words were meaningless. But with Jace, it’s different. Actually, it’s the opposite with Jace. His actions are there, but he’s missing the words. But he won’t say them because he thinks you just want to be friends.”
“What actions are you talking about?”
“He’s been showing you how he feels since the moment you met. Think about it. You met Jace when your heart had just been ripped to shreds. A lot of guys wouldn’t bother trying to make you feel better. They would’ve gone out that night and not even thought about you. But Jace took you out, then stayed up with you that night. He took action to make you feel better. And he kept it up, doing things for you to let you know he cares.”
“You’re right,” I say, thinking of all Jace has done for me.
“Actions say more than words. And Jace has shown you through his actions that he cares. That’s the guy you want. A guy who makes you feel better when you’re at your lowest. Who makes you smile when you didn’t think it was possible.”
I feel myself tearing up. “Okay, stop it. You’re making me sad. I already know Jace is that guy. I don’t need to hear you say it.” I wipe my eyes.
“If you already know, then stop wasting time. Talk to him. It’s not too late. Will he turn you down? Maybe, but it’s a risk you have to take. Just like me talking to Maddie. I’m scared to death to do it, but if I don’t, I’ll always wonder what might’ve been. We both need to take action. Otherwise, we’ll still be here talking about this months from now. And no offense but, even though I like hanging out with you, I’d rather be spending my time with Maddie.”
I smile. “No offense taken. But if you guys get back together, you better invite me to the wedding.”
“Well, obviously, given that you got us back together. We might even name our first born after you.”
“You should probably get Maddie’s okay on that, but it does seem appropriate given all the time I’ve spent listening to you talk about her.”
He laughs.
I lean over and give him a hug. “You’re a dork, but I’m gonna miss you when we can’t hang out anymore.”