“There’s nothing to say. We already agreed that we’d—”
“That was before. Now it’s different.”
“We both said we weren’t ready to get into another relationship. Even if the roommate thing wasn’t an issue, we both got our hearts broken and need time to heal. No relationships. It’s too soon. That’s what we said, right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can’t—” He stops as his phone rings again.
“You should answer that. It might be work.”
He checks to see who it is and sighs. “It’s Nikki.”
His phone stops ringing, but then starts up again.
“What the hell does she want?” Jace takes his phone and walks to the living room. I hope he doesn’t answer it. If Nikki’s calling, it means she either wants something from him or wants him back.
“Why are you calling?” Jace says.
I turn around and see him standing by the window, his phone to his ear. He’s looking out at the driveway. I hope she’s not out there.
“When did it happen?” he says, sounding concerned. “But you’re okay?” He turns and walks down the hall to his room. His door closes and I can’t hear him anymore.
Before Nikki called, it sounded like Jace might be changing his mind about the no relationship rule. Is that really what he wants? If so, then maybe I should stop worrying about what would happen if we broke up and just be with him. I didn’t think he wanted that, but if he does, I’m all in.
“I have to go,” he says, racing back to the living room, hurrying to put on his leather coat.
“Where are you going?”
“Nikki’s apartment.”
“Why?” I get up and meet him at the door.
“There was a fire at her place last night.”
“Was she hurt?”
“No, she got out in time, but there’s smoke damage so she can’t stay there.”
I raise my brows. “You’re not letting her stay here, are you?”
“No, she’s staying with a friend.” He opens the door. “I’m gonna run over to her apartment and help her move her bed and some other stuff with my truck. I won’t be gone long.”
“You’re helping move her stuff? Isn’t that something her boyfriend should do?” I hear the anger in my voice and realize I sound like a jealous girlfriend. But I’m really just being a friend, looking out for Jace, because I know Nikki is up to something.
“Carter broke up with her,” Jace says. “They had a fight last night and he ended things with her. I need to go. I told her I’d be there in a few minutes.”
He turns to leave, but I grab his arm. “Jace, stop. You can’t do this. You can’t go running to her whenever she calls. She hurt you. She cheated on you. Why the hell would you help her?”
“Because she needs it. And because I used to care about her.” He sighs and looks down. “I know it’s hard to understand but—”
“I do understand. You used to love her, and maybe part of you still does, which makes you want to help her. I feel the same way. If Liam asked me to help him, I’d be tempted to do it. But I wouldn’t, because I know it would only hurt me more to get involved with him again, even as a friend.”
“It’s not like that. I’m just helping her move a few things. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal. If you do this, you’re telling Nikki she has a chance with you again. She got dumped last night, and now she’s lonely and wants you back. Can’t you see what she’s doing?”
He walks out the door, then turns back to me. “Why do you care?”
“Because you’re my friend. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”