We get our drinks then find a place to sit.
“So any particular reason why you didn’t want to go home?” he says.
I was hoping he wouldn’t ask, but since he did, I say, “Just roommate problems. It’s nothing.”
“Roommates.” He sighs and rolls his eyes. “I’ve had some really bad ones. Freshman year was the worst. I shared a dorm room with a guy who used to leave his nail clippings all over the floor. And he refused to sleep without the sound of this app he had that played train noises.”
“Like the train moving or the horn going off?”
“Both. I don’t think I slept at all that year. And I had to wear shoes in our room to avoid getting his disgusting nail clippings on my feet.”
I laugh. “That’s really gross.”
“I know, right?” He shakes his head. “So what’s the deal with your roommate? Is she too noisy? Does she leave the place a mess?”
“Neither of those. And it’s not a girl. It’s a guy.”
He looks surprised. “You live with a guy?”
“Yeah. I needed a place to stay and he needed a roommate. It’s a long story.”
“I’m not in a hurry.” He leans back in his chair. “Go ahead.”
“I’d rather not talk about it.” I take a sip of my latte. “It’s not a good story for a first date.”
“Have you dated much? Since moving here?”
“No,” I say, not wanting to tell him why.
“I haven’t dated much either.” He looks to the side, then back at me. “I just broke up with my girlfriend. Well, she broke up with me. About three weeks ago. She said things were getting too serious and we needed to date other people. I didn’t agree, but I couldn’t get her to change her mind.”
I hope he doesn’t plan on talking about his ex the whole time.
“So what’s your major?” I ask.
“Engineering. That’s how I met Lena. She’s also studying engineering. And she’s a golfer like me. We have so much in common. I don’t know why she thinks we should date other people.”
“Maybe she just needs to get it out of her system,” I say, realizing he’s not going to stop talking about this anytime soon. “Maybe she’ll date other guys and end up coming back to you.”
“If I knew that for sure, I’d wait for her.”
If he wants her back, then why did he ask me out? To be his therapist for an hour?
“Neal, I think you need more time before you start dating again. Or maybe just give your ex some time. Maybe she’ll change her mind.”
“You really think she will?” he asks, sounding hopeful. “Would a girl change her mind like that?”
“Sure. Girls change their minds all the time. One day she loves you and the next day you’re driving her crazy. That’s totally normal.”
“But she ended things with me. That seems really final.”
“It might be, but it might not. Sometimes a girl just needs time away to get her thoughts straightened out. Maybe things with you were getting too serious and it scared her because she wasn’t ready. A week or two without you might make her see things differently. I’m not saying that will happen but it’s possible.”
He glances down at his phone, then back at me. “So I guess this date was a bad idea.”
“Sorry. I really was interested in you, but my heart is still with Lena. My friends are telling me to move on, but I don’t think I’m ready yet.”