“Have fun on your date,” he blurts out, and then finally, he leaves and closes the door.

I lock it, then go get in the shower. I’m so mad at him. Does he really want me to have a good time on this date, or was he being sarcastic? Just yesterday, I would’ve said he didn’t actually mean it. That he didn’t want this date to go well because he didn’t want me being with some other guy. But after last night, I’m thinking he really does want me to move on with someone else. If so, his feelings for me are not the same feelings I have for him, which infuriates me but also makes me sad.

Why do I keep doing this to myself? Why do I keep seeing what I want to see instead of what’s really going on? First with Liam, and now with Jace.

Just before ten, I arrive at the coffee shop wearing dark jeans, short black boots, and a white sweater. I find a seat by the door and check my phone while I wait for Neal.

A girl sits down across from me at the table. “Kenzie?”

“Yeah?” I set my phone down. Do I know this girl? I don’t recognize her.

“I’m Lucy. I’m friends with Neal. He can’t make it today so he sent me here to let you know. He said to tell you he’s really sorry but his car died and he’s waiting to have it towed.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“He would’ve called, but he didn’t have your number.”

“That’s right. I forgot to give it to him.”

She pulls some paper from her backpack. “If you want to give it to me now, I’ll pass it along so he can call you.”

“Why don’t you just give me his and I’ll call him.” I hand her my phone and she puts the number in.

“He’s really sorry,” she says, getting up.

“It’s okay. I understand.” I smile at her. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem.” She smiles back, then gets in line for a coffee.

So my first attempt at dating failed. I was actually looking forward to this now that I know Jace has no interest in me. I still want Jace, but it’s time to move on. I can’t keep waiting for something that’ll never happen.

Getting out my phone, I text Neal, Sorry about the car trouble. Maybe some other time.

He texts back. Could you meet at three today? Same place?

Three is when I usually go home for the day. Jace is done with class at two so he’s home when I get there and we usually talk and hang out before I start studying. But given that I’m annoyed with him and need some space, staying on campus to meet up with Neal sounds like a good idea.

Three works, I text back. See you then.

I’ll be there. I promise!

He clearly feels bad about missing our date, but he doesn’t need to. It’s not his fault, and at least he sent someone to let me know so I wasn’t sitting here waiting forever.

Another text pops up. I’m assuming it’s from Neal but it’s from Jace.

How’s your date going?

Like it’s any of his business? He shouldn’t even be asking. I ignore his text and get in line to order a coffee, then head to class.

At three, I return to the coffee shop and see Neal as soon as I walk in. He looks really nice, wearing black pants and a button-up shirt. Maybe I should’ve dressed up more, but it seemed weird to dress up for coffee.

“Kenzie.” He smiles, then holds his arms out for a hug. I give him a quick hug, then back away. “I’m glad we could make this work today.”

“Yeah, my last class just ended. I usually head home, but it’s good you suggested this. I didn’t feel like going home today.” I realize that sounds bad and say, “Not that that’s the only reason I agreed to meet you here. I just meant… never mind.” I smile to cover up my embarrassment. I didn’t realize until now how bad I am at dating. I’m really out of practice.

“You want to order?” he asks.
