“Don’t do it, man,” Brent says.
“You’re mean.” The girl pouts and slaps Brent’s arm.
He pulls her toward him and kisses her. “It’s all good. Jace can get his own girl. He doesn’t need us. Now help me pick a card.”
She leans forward and takes one from the deck.
“See you guys later,” I say.
“Yeah, see ya.”
When I get home, I find Kenzie asleep on the couch. I pause a moment to look at her. Her makeup is off and her hair is down around her face. She really is beautiful. More beautiful than any of the girls at the party tonight.
I’m not sure if I should wake her. If I do, and she goes in her room, she may not be able to sleep. It’s like we said last night, there’s something about being alone in your room that makes all the memories come back.
Grabbing a blanket from the closet, I bring it over to the couch and lay it over her. Then I return to my room, strip down to my boxers, and get into bed. But I can’t sleep. My mind is going and I can’t shut it off.
I’m not thinking about Nikki. I’m thinking about Kenzie. I force her out of my head and focus my thoughts on Briana. She seemed nice, and I liked that she didn’t push me to stay at the party when I told her I was leaving. Nikki wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’d push and push until I couldn’t take it anymore and would give in. The relationship was all about her and what she wanted. I got so used to it that I didn’t think about my own needs anymore. My friends could see that, but I couldn’t. Not until now.
Getting out my phone, I find Briana’s number and send her a text.
How’s the party going?
I wait for her to text back, but she doesn’t. Maybe she found someone else. I set my phone down, then hear a text come in. I pick up my phone.
I went home, she texts. What are you up to?
Trying to sleep. Not having much luck. How about you?
Eating tacos.
For some reason that makes me laugh. Tacos? Is that why you left the party? Sudden taco craving?
They were here when I got home. My roommate bought them.
Tacos sound good.
I’d offer you some but she just ate the last one. Do you live in the dorms?
No. Off campus.
I’m in the dorms. We get tacos from the place across the street.
Taco Sam’s?
That’s the one.
I like that place. I should try to sleep. I just wanted to see what’s up.
Ok. See ya tomorrow.
I like her more now that I know she eats at Taco Sam’s. It shows she’s not one of those girls who only eats at fancy restaurants. Now I’m looking forward to going out with her. I wasn’t at first. The way she came up to me at the party, touching me and acting aggressive, I was a little worried she’d be too much like Nikki.
When I met Nikki she came on strong, telling me we were going out that week whether I wanted to or not. At the time, I found her aggressive tactic a turn-on. We started dating and I liked the way she was constantly flirting with me. I thought it was sexy. But then she started flirting with my friends, and when I told her to stop, she’d tell me it was just for fun and kept doing it. It always bothered me, and because of that, I’ve decided I won’t date a girl who flirts with other guys. I’m hoping Briana doesn’t do that. She doesn’t seem like she would, but I guess I’ll find out.
I fall asleep and wake up to the sound of the shower running. I check the time. It’s after eight. I have to work at ten. I get out of bed and put on some shorts, then head to the kitchen. I can’t be in my room, listening to Kenzie shower. It makes me have all kinds of dirty thoughts. Last night, I had a dream about her. A very dirty dream that I wish I hadn’t had because it’s going to make living with her even harder.
I should’ve stuck with my rule about guy roommates only. And I would have if I hadn’t seen Kenzie crying outside my door. I felt so bad for her, and then when I found out what had happened, I couldn’t turn her away.